I had another doctors appointment today & everything looked good. The babys heart beat was 147, so much slower than its been in the past. I'm not totally convinced that was the heart beat b/c at first the nurse was having trouble finding it b/c she was just getting the echo...so then she found it but she didn't have it steady for very long until she blurted out that number. Not that it matters b/c I'm not too sure I really believe all of the wives tales...but still. I haven't gained any weight, and Dr. Tran said that was fine as long as I'm eating well & not getting sick.(and as long as I dont lose weight) Today she gave me the orders so that I can get the anatomy scan scheduled...I did that before I even left the parking garage! LOL December 8th @ 10:20 we will have our appointment!! I'm so excited! Thankfully we have Thanksgiving to keep me busy the rest of this week....and I'm thinking next week will just FLY by too....fingers crossed! I can't wait to find out, my gut tells me girl & Joseph is just set on boy so we will see who is right! :) I've began to look at baby bedding & I'm pretty set on the ones I like for each gender. Here lately I've been into monkeys...especially Sock Monkeys!! I just love those little things!! Both nursery's have monkeys as well as other animals. I started to go w/ a more sophisticated look & then changed my mind I want it to have a baby baby room...later we can make it look more like a big girl/boy room! I know they grow up fast so I want to enjoy the baby phase while I can.
We really haven't been up to much, Joseph has been working A LOT! :( We took our Christmas pictures yesterday w/ both dogs....let me just say that was a chore. I sure hope the pictures come out b/c our little angels let me just say weren't living up to their angel duties! I'm sure Sarah can edit them & make them look great! I just need 1, thats all we need for the Christmas pictures. Thanksgiving is Thursday, we have 3 stops....starting in Friendswood & ending up in Danbury. I'm excited to see everyone! Friday is Black Friday Shopping, Steph & I have been preparing for our annual trip for a few weeks now. We have our itenerary that tells us where we will go at what time & what we need to get first ..and what we will come back for. She's quite the planner!! 3 am will come early but it's worth it & a ton of fun!
Well thats about all I've got....December 8th look for an update!!
How far along? 15 weeks & 5 days
Total weight gain: 0
Maternity clothes? Nope but I did buy a belly band...my pants kept falling down!
Sleep: I sleep like a baby...although i get up at 2 & 5 every morning to use the restroom
Best moment this week: Scheduling the anatomy scan!
Movement: I think so but not sure...
Gender: Still say girl....
Labor Signs: No Way!
Belly Button in or out? no change...
Cravings: Baked Potatoes....and I really didn't care for them before.
What I miss: Hmm...Idk I'm not really missing much, I'm enjoying this!
Weekly Wisdom: Lay on your belly for just a sec (if you do it often you will get the spill i got today from the Dr...i never lay on my belly i just did to play w/ bay) and you can feel where your uterus is!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago