We have finally moved into Meme's we closed on our hosue on January 9th, I was sad to see it go but excited about our new house. We signed a contract with our builder Clint Peltier yesterday, I think we will have a beautiful home! Because of all of the above I have been awful about taking pictures, posting pictures, or updating this blog but soon we will get back on track!
New Years Eve we all went out and you stayed with Meme & Pawpaw and did fire works...Pawpaw said after one you were DONE! So we have no cute pictures like last year but thats ok!
You were one tuckered out baby after your big New Years bash at Meme's!
We went to a bounce house for Ella's 5th Birthday, very unexpectedly you loved to ride on the bull!!
And of course Jumping too!
You are the best mother of two, lol!
I am obsessed w/ these bath crayons...but now you hate the bath b/c we had a bad experience with some ants in the tub so now you SCREAM BEEEESSS!
Just Chilling with Ally!
It was moving day...this was a great place for you LOL!
The newly HOMELESS couple! : P
So much fun w/ Guh & Bray!
Bye Bye House, you loved running through it w/ NOTHING in it!
This is what our new house will look similar to!
"SOAP-IE" as you call her got a haircut!
My poor child and 3 iPads man you need one more!
Playing with and Baloo..hehe!
You convinced PawPaw to wear high heels! : P
Finally you will get on this 4 wheeler!!!
Fun on your playground!