I am only 13 days late, but better late than never!
- Size 4 Diapers
- Size 6 Shoe
- 18/24 month & 2T Clothing
- You weight 24 lbs
- Favorite Toy: Your babies (Ally, KuKu, KoKo), your kitchen, iPads, & my old phone.
- Sleep...you are doing much better adjusting to sleeping at Meme's, we still have a few issues in the middle of the night from time to time. I do think you need to we weened from a nap b/c if you go without your 2nd nap you sleep all night. You take 2 naps still about an hour and half each.
- You are still a very picky eater, you don't like meat. PawPaw isn't making this any easier as he gives you cookies for breakfast, cokes, candy constantly....
- Potty Training, we are fixing to start full fledged! For Valentines you got a baby that is a potty doll, some panties that you think are the coolest, and some candy for encouraging! :) Hopefully we will have better news come 22 months!
- You love to be outside, you love the tractors, cows, and the swing set!
- Fits, well lets just say you still through them but I think you are beginning to realize that you don't get very far with them...its hilarious what you do if I start throwing one too! LOL
- You talk so much, you are putting sentences together! You sing with REAL words! You are too smart!
- You know your colors, we were driving the other day and passed a blue oil derek & you said MOMMY BLUE!!!
- You are very interested in letters and numbers so soon we will start on those!