Happy New Year everyone!
So each year I make a resolution and normally it's one of these: stop drinking cokes, lose weight, eat better, exercise.... Same Ole' Same Ole’!! I usually make it to about Valentines Day and then I give up, so this year I'm trying something different. I decided if I started doing all of that fun stuff before New Years then it wouldn’t be my New Years Resolution it was just a new way of life. So my New Years Resolution is to become a better person in all aspects, be a friendly person, work on my health, have more patients, and work harder, and most of all just relax and have a good time.
Last year was an extremely eventful year with my wedding & buying a new home, so with all of that fun stuff came a lot of stress. When analyzing last year I realized that I need to step back and just relax, go w/ the flow. Don't try and be a super hero, you can’t please everyone. (That’s so hard for me b/c I'm a "people pleaser".) Sometimes I find myself freaking out b/c if I do this I will hurt this persons feelings and if I do that then I will hurt this ones, and so at time when there is something that I Really want to do I do what is more pleasing to others or, I just stand back and avoid it at all costs. This year I don't want to be that person. I don't want all of the stress and commotion; I just want to be that laid back person. I'm sure I won’t be able to completely avoid it but I want to do my best to just enjoy life to the fullest!
Last year was such a good year, there were so many milestones! My Favorite and most memorable we got M a

I hope everyone has a very Blessed year!
(I'm glad I started this blog, sometimes I just need to write!!)
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