After several unsuccessful attempts we finally have a new addition to our family... a 12 week female Yorkie, Bayleigh! Joseph was totally against having a new puppy & I wasn't taking no for an answer. I've been looking for about 2 years now, dropping it here and there, but pretty persistent. We were going to get an English Bulldog but after finding out she was he...that bit the dust. I brought the neighbors Chihuahua over the other day and he was just MAD!!! So after really thinking it out & pleading for days I finally found my puppy! Joseph wasn't very happy w/ me the first few days but he got used to her and now loves her.
Bayleigh's First Night
It took Clowie a few days to get used to her, I guess she takes after Joseph! Now she is beginning to come around, she enjoys playing w/ her! Clowie weighs about 80 lbs and Bayleigh about 4 playing gets kinda dangerous! She slings her around by her toy but Bayleigh just thinks its great! I think with time they will be inseparable!
Clowie Checking her out....
Napping Together
Monday Bayleigh went for her first hair cut! She did really well so Pam claims... but I think she tells all of her clients that!
Here are a few more pics of her, isn't she cute!!!

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