Crystal did pretty good herself...SOOOO CLOSE! Sherri made the dunking booth guy fall in....but for some reason I didn't get a picture!
We forgot to take pictures while we were there...so we took some in the parking lot. They aren't that great but they are memories and thats all that matters!

Steph & I
The following Day we had the Turkey Shoot, this is Joseph's second time to attend with Travis. I figured I better go this year b/c next year I don't think the baby will like the sound of gun shots! Joseph did really good he won 2 Turkey, 2 Hams, 1 Bacon...he kinda got jyped on that though b/c they ran out of bacon so he had to substitute 2 bacon's for 1 ham! But hey we have meat & they have money for a good cause! I was just there for moral support!
Kaysie & Richard
Steph won 2 meats & only shot 2 rounds...shes a pro!

Trav took home a ton of stuff!!

Joseph Shooting!
Later that night when we got home we made hamburgers & carved pumpkins! I made an Owl, Joseph made a Ware Wolf, Steph made something that reminds me of the Cat In The Hat, and Travis made an awesome Haunted House! We did this last year, we are making it an annual thing!

Mine, The Babys, & Josephs
In the Dark, but my camera wasn't too good!
Last but definitely not least, yesterday (Monday) we had a doctors appointment. Thankfully Joseph was able to go w/ me b/c this was the first time we got to hear the heart beat! It was really neat, it took her a little bit to find it & after she already told me not to get nervous if it took a while...I started to of course! I recorded it on my phone but it wouldn't upload :(.
We had a great appointment. Last appointment I lost 2 pounds & this one I gained 2! The heart beat was 165 (171 last time) so it's pretty consistent. I and everyone but Joseph & my Dad think its a girl...we shall see! I am 12 weeks as of tomorrow, so first trimester down! In 6 weeks I will get the anatomy scan & we will know if it's a boy or girl! We are so excited this has been a great experience!
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