Week 25 (1-24-2011)
Friday I had a doctors appointment & everything is looking good. It really hit me that this is coming sooner than later, next appointment we discuss labor options. We have 15 weeks and our little bundle of joy will be here, I can't wait but I'm scared at the same time. Paisley's heartbeat was 145 & my belly measured right on track 24 cm. Next appointment is the forbidden glucose test, so I'm sure I'll pass out! :( I do not do well w/ my blood being drawn! Joseph & I are discussing child birth classes, to do or not to do...decisions decisions!
How far along? 24 weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: 6 Total
Maternity clothes? Yes but I can still wear my other clothes as well.
Sleep: It's starting to get more uncomfortable, mainly b/c I'm trying to focus on sleeping on my side.
Best moment this week: My mom getting to hear her heartbeat!
Movement:She's moving all around!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: No Way
Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!
Cravings: Nothing to crazy!
What I miss: Sleeping w/ out worry...I'm so worried about his whole DON'T SLEEP ON YOUR BACK thing...that I can't sleep very sound b/c I'm trying to concentrate on that! But Dr.Tran told me not to worry that i will wake up if something is wrong just try and stay on my side.
Weekly Wisdom: This is will be over before I know it!
Milestones: My mom got to come to my doctors appointment & heard the heart beat! That was really neat & I'm glad she got to be there!