Now that I actually have something that doesn't just look like a beer gut I'm going to do my best do start Baby Bump Monday Pictures (give props to my pal Brandi for the name). I've always taken pictures on Mondays but never posted them so I'm going to give this a shot!
How far along? 23 weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: IDK Dr. this week to find out!
Maternity clothes? Yes but I can still wear my other clothes as well.
Sleep: I was doing really well being able to stay up, now I'm finding it harder to stay awake.
Best moment this week: Umm, probably Joseph SEEING her move.
Movement: She is a mover I tell ya, she even likes to dance on my bladder for fun! I've began to have to empty my bladder more often b/c of this tiny dancer!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Sleep: I was doing really well being able to stay up, now I'm finding it harder to stay awake.
Best moment this week: Umm, probably Joseph SEEING her move.
Movement: She is a mover I tell ya, she even likes to dance on my bladder for fun! I've began to have to empty my bladder more often b/c of this tiny dancer!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Joseph is sure to let me know that it's not going to be too long before it pops! Isn't he sweet!
Cravings: I've not really had cravings, however Apple Juice is my favorite drink, Little Debbie Brownies are Amazing, & Italian Food beats anything these days! (Keep in mind these have always been so of my favorite things...I really like OJ but Paisley does not!)
What I miss: Sleeping w/ out worry...I'm so worried about his whole DON'T SLEEP ON YOUR BACK thing...that I can't sleep very sound b/c I'm trying to concentrate on that!
Weekly Wisdom: Just go w/ it on the maternity clothes....I know people think there are tons of cute outfits out there...there are not! So if you like something get it in every color! : P
Milestones: Yesterday was my niece Nicki's B-Day & we painted pottery, Joseph painted Paisley a sock monkey & I painted her a Princess Frog trinket box it was neat to sign Love, MOM & DAD on the bottom!
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