Week 31 (3-7-2011)
Approximately 9 Weeks To Go
How far along? 30 weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: 12 Lbs
Maternity clothes? It's so hard to find exactly what you're looking for with only a few stores to shop at.
Sleep: Is usually the time Paisley wants to be active...right when I lay down!
Movement: I feel her moving most when I sit down and relax or right after I eat.
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: No Way
Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!
Cravings:Italian Food, Brownies, Baked Potato Soup, Candy (that was in the very beginning)...those are the ones that I've had throughout the pregnancy.
What I miss: I don't really miss anything, however I think I'll definitely miss being pregnant!
Weekly Wisdom: Shopping until you drop is a little harder than it used to be...therefore it took me 2 days of shopping to get all of my stuff done!
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