Week 33, 34, & Christmas will all be one post b/c there was so much going on I was a slacker, but also b/c I don't want to miss anything!!!
To start off, Paisley started CRAWLING on week 33!! Exciting!!!! She is everywhere, loves to go now that shes able! She has gotten carpet burn on her sweet little nose but shes improving!! She is also back to saying DaDa constantly!!!! Her Daddy took off to spend the day with her & I'm pretty sure that's all he did was "TRAIN" her! :P Blowing bubbles with spit is also a new thing! It is pretty funny!!!
Week 34 brought pulling up on everything in site, mommy ,daddy, the couch, Clowie, her toy box Santa brought her, the bar stools ( where she got stuck), and the entertainment center! She also repeated me when I said HOT...but she wont say it again! We have also got a Ma...but that's it nothing more! She now finds everything that the vacuum leaves behind...as well as every leaf that Bayleigh & Clowie bring in...no telling how many leaves shes consumed & I didn't notice! Crazy baby!!!
Now onto what you're really waiting on Christmas!! We had such a wonderful Christmas! We started off here at our house Christmas Eve afternoon Paisley opened our gifts (we opened gifts too butt..now that she's here that's what you wanna hear about). Then we went on to Meme & Grandpaw's and had Dinner, we then went to Candle Light Service, then back to Meme & Grandpaw's to open gifts! She got a huge swing set that wouldn't fit in the house so there are no pictures of it...but I'm sure as soon as she gets rid of her cough & it warms up a tad we will take LOTS of pictures!! Christmas day Santa came and brought Paisley lots of goodies...one that was her absolute favorite...a toy box! Santa asked a very special person to help him with this gift, Uncle Matt worked very hard with Santa to make "SAM" (what Uncle Matt calls Paisley) the perfect toy box, and boy is it perfect! So perfect that we have a hard time convincing her to get OUT of it!! Soon we will take it to Schelli (the lady that painted her room) to paint it! Once it serves its purpose as a toy box I plan to use it as a hope chest!! I'm very excited about this gift if you can't tell!
Later we had several other stops, Gunner came by to open gifts, Steph & Travis, and a few others! Our Penney Christmas will be celebrated on New years because the girls are all with their dads, so many more pictures to come!!!
Opening gifts from Mommy & Daddy
Some of the gifts we got her!
Christmas with the Brown's!
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