Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trek Atlas Fundraiser

This little boy has made such an impact in my life, so I want to be sure to include this in your blog so you too know how precious life is!

I’ve felt a lot of compassion for this family since I watched a video of their journey that a friend of mine posted on Facebook, this is actually her niece, from that moment on my life has been forever changed. I’ve learned to never take a second for granted b/c even our babies aren’t promised tomorrow. That’s hard for me to grasp b/c such small innocent little angels can be taken from you when they should grow up to be Grandmas and Grandpas and enjoy life! I’ve learned to let the busyness of life sit on the back burner to be sure my sweet girl gets lots of hugs and kisses each day!

Trek is a few weeks older than Paisley so it hits me pretty hard, when Trek was 9 months old he was diagnosed with Neimann Pick Type A that will take his life between 18 months and 3 years of age. I couldn’t imagine going each day knowing that I’m one step closer to the end of my precious baby’s life….like his mother had stated in her blog she feels like she’s in a torture chamber, I think that’s the only way to describe it. Even through this tragedy they have been faced with this family is so strong and is making the best of each and every moment they have left with their sweet boy Trek Atlas! Trek’s father is an author so they are traveling while he writes his books, Trek’s mother home schools the boys wherever they might be. This family’s dream is just to enjoy their boys and travel, and I want to see that they are able to do this.

From Chelsea’s Blog:
“So much has been swirling through my head this past two weeks, sometimes it is unbearable and I want to die, sometimes I just feel numb. But one thing keeps bothering me and I have to do something about it.
I want Trek to have 1 stamp on his passport.
I am not sure where we are going to go or for how long. I just know that I want to travel to another country just us 5, just like we have been planning for the past 6 months. Somewhere sunny and beautiful and where we can all go out to eat for 5 bucks.
I heard this song awhile ago and almost cried with how much it reminded me of my boys and how I wanted them to leave ‘their ninja footprints all over the world’. Even though Trek won’t be there for all of our adventures, I want to start them with him.”

I hope you will join me in this fundraiser to help this family enjoy each day with their boys, I don’t want for one second them to have to even worry about money, just love up on those boys every chance they get!! There are several fundraisers going on so if Scentsy isn’t for you that’s completely fine, maybe you want to donate to the Coffee fundraiser, or the Trek Atlas bracelets, or maybe even just donate money to the cause. If you can’t afford to donate don’t worry there are a few other things you can do that will be greatly appreciated: this family just wanted to travel, reasoning behind Treks name, so Trek’s Aunt has come up with a great idea, wherever you are you take pictures of the Flat Trek email the pictures back and she will be making a book. It’s as if Trek has traveled miles and miles!!!! If you don’t have time for that Trek’s Dad asks that at 10:00 each night you pray for Trek’s comfort b/c nights are his hardest! My baby is the most important thing in my life so as a mother I couldn’t imagine going through this, so please do what you can to make this little boy’s life as wonderful as possible under this awful circumstances.

Starting March 1st my mother and I will host a Scentsy fundraiser to support the Ingram family. Through this fundraiser my goal is to send $2,000.00 to the Ingram family, anything over that is a total blessing! Through Scentsy we make 25% commission and we will be donating 23%, we need to sell around $9,000.00. All orders will be delivered to your door, this is an online party so you just have to go to www.jennydavenport.scentsy.com and place your order under the TREK ATLAS FUNDRAISER. I will keep this open as long as we keep getting orders, just be sure to order under TREK ATLAS FUNDRAISER so I can keep up with whats what. All orders will be shipped directly to your door so within 7-10 days you should have a package at your door step. The great thing is we now have a few new lines avalible: Layers- our body and laundry line & Scentsationally Sent- our card line! The wickless candles are amazing, the body line I’m now in love with, I am so crazy about the laundry products, and the cards are simply adorable! Feel free to pass this on to your friends, together we can make a difference in the Ingram’s life!

To learn more about this family and to keep up with their journey add Trek Atlas Fundraiser as your friend on face book, and follow their blogs at:


I hope this family will touch your heart as much as they have touched mine, my heart just aches for them. I thank you all for reading this and thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give this family in their time of need!

God Bless,

Danielle Penney

This is the Flat Trek, we will be taking him to the Houston Live Stock show and rodeo to show Trek some of our cowboy/girl ways!

The Ingram Family at Disney a few weeks after learnign of Treks disease.

Sweet Trek!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 43

This week you have been dancing like crazy! Anytime a song comes on there you go shaking your booty and your head, it's so stinkin' cute! You have also started standing up on your own, just out of no where we will look and your standing up with no assistance. I'm not sure I'm ready for you to be walking yet!

Ms. Schelli finished painting your toy box, isn't it beautiful! It's a little large for your room so I think we are going to move one of your dressers into the spare room. You picked up where you left of and got right back in it!!

Daddy put Bay in there too....I don't think she enjoys it as much as you do!

I got you this chair b/c I hate that you have to sit on the floor all the time...I don't think you were quite ready for it yet b/c you just put your toys in it.

I was doing a Scentsy order & I would write the name and what the owed on this pad of paper. I looked up and you had drawn this masterpiece, I couldn't believe that you knew that the pen goes with the paper & didn't even try and write on yourself or the floor. Scentsy orders are fun with you if I try and empty the box you refill it, if I try to put things away you take them out!

The Scentsy bars not only make your house smell good...they entertain your kids too!! (Good sales pitch?)

Someone got Mommy's phone & somehow took pics!!

So drinking the water in the bathtub is all you do in the tub...whether it be from the faucet or from your cup I use to rinse the water out of your hair!

I was told to leave y'all a lone you were playing games! Sheesh!

You eat anything we eat & do a great job feeding yourself. You love to share with your sippy cup, it grosses Daddy out when you put your food in the spout of your cup! Haha!

Some of the sneak peeks Robin gave us! She asked if you could model some of her friends clothes so we go this week for a photo shoot! Wahoo more pictures, mommy loves pictures & you love Robin so it works out well!

Another sneak peek!

Aunt Crystal wanted to see the pictures, so Robin showed her how Miss Priss likes to stick out her tongue! Goofy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 42

This week you have mastered saying SHA SHA SHA and shaking your head...melts my heart! You are so funny! Other than you being mean to Gunner there wasn't much going on this week!

You and your little buddy...I bet he can't wait until he can pick on you too!!

Eating Apples with Daddy!

Taking a picture of yourself with Mommy's phone!

Mmmm Breakfast with Daddy!

Giving Grandma her Valentine present!

Fixing to take family pictures with the Penney Girls!

Nosey Rosie has to see whats going on with the phone.

Yuck Grass!!! It was actually warm enough and dry enough for us to just hang out outside!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day Quiz

I stole this from a fellow blogger b/c I really liked it & think you will appreciate it later on!

How long have you and your significant other been together?
8 1/2 Years

How did you meet? (What’s your love story?)
Well we had always gone to school together, like since Kindergarten but never really talked much until about middle school. Now looking back I realize that I had always had a "crush" on him but didn't really act on it. Your Daddy hung out with a totally different crowd than I did so we didn't really see each other much other than school. I always did his homework in any class we had together made sure he did well. Then our Junior year he started racing so I saw him more often & enjoyed being around him. I started hanging out with him & then summer came...he went to Cancun well in Cancun cell phone calls were super expensive so he put it in the safe. I didn't like that much so I kinda wrote him off. School started back up it was our Senior year and our friendship picked right back up, butt he had a girlfriend that mommy didn't really care for, but he knew what was best and left that ole' skeeze bag for me! Best choice he ever made!! :) haha! So from about September to November we were inseparable but he was too scared to ask me out...Finally November 8th, 2003 and 12:28 am (when I was sleeping and he should have been too) he called and said "So are we gunna go out or what?" How romantic huh?! And we are living happily ever after!

If married, how long have you been married?
3 Years on May 23

Name 3 things you love most about your honey. ( I named 52 on his Valentine's Gift so this is easy) I love that he's an amazing father & husband and always puts us first. I love that he lets stuff roll off of his shoulders, however sometimes it frustrates me! I love that he lets me take up most of the closet..hahah No, but I Do, I love that he still makes me smile after 8 1/2 years!

Tell us how he proposed.
It was our 5 year anniversary, he had to work so I went out shopping & to lunch with Aunt Crystal. Finally he called and said he was headed home where was I hurry up! So... I did & came home changed clothes b/c our apartment was soooo hot came back in and he got down on his knee showed me the ring couldn't even fit a word in & I SAID YESSS!!! After calling our parents and sending out a mass text I told him you didn't even ask me to marry you...so then he did! LOL! I was so ready to get married, I was ready after 2 years...but stated in one of my journals after about 8 days that he would be the man I married!

Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.

What was your first impression of your husband?
Hey he stole the scissors...lol IDK we were super young!

What is your idea of a truly romantic evening?
We don't really do the romantic thing, that's defiantly not your Daddy's knack & I'm ok with that! Sometimes I wished he was but then I realize that he makes up for it in so many other ways!

Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Well the thing I want to do the most & the soonest is go to Disney Land when you are about 3 at Christmas time! I'd also like to go to Cabo!!

Valentine's Day

Happy 1st Valentine's pretty little lady! We had a great day, as you can tell from all of our pictures! Daddy sent mommy flowers to work, I'm super stoked about that b/c that's the first time I've ever gotten flowers from him AT WORK! (he has brought them home to me or had them sent to the house but never to work) Finally it was time to pick you up from Macey's, Daddy did that! When you got home you got your Valentine's gift from us, a Book, a Card, a Balloon filled with: 2 Roses, A sock Monkey, some chocolates, and some suckers, it was really neat! You got your Daddy 2 Roses, I know that sounds chinchie but he some how talked us into giving him his early (Saturday). You got Meme & Grandpa a balloon just like yours but it tumped over in the car, hers had 2 Roses, some candy, & a collage of you & a card....I was not very happy when it flipped over! You also got Grandma a collage of you! After we opened all of our gifts Meme & Grandpa came over to eat Steaks & give us your gifts, a bear & a Valentine's Barbie! That my sweet girl is your first Barbie (other than your ornaments). We had such a good night, you were so goofy, definitely showing off to Meme & Grandpa! Oh and you ate steak, baked potato, ranch style beans, asparagus, and bread just like the rest of us! You even got a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry!

Our Fun Filled Day

Mommy's Pretty Flowers

So excited!!

I was sure to get a picture of everyone but some how forgot to take a picture of just Daddy & I...and then a picture of the 3 of us! I remembered this once you were in bed so before we went to sleep this is what we got!

Daddy's Bouquet of ummm Daddy Juice!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 41

Sleep....wow a full at least 8 hours straight is amazing!!! I guess one night of crying for 30 minutes was worth it, even though it broke my heart! I'm so proud to say that you are sleeping through the night, you occasionally wake up but I have at least 4 pacifiers in your bed and you will pop it in! There have been times when you couldn't find your paci so I had to get up and give it to you but that's been very rare & I'll take that! It's so cute, you twirl your hair when you are sleepy or going to sleep, I just love it!

You've started with a new word...CAA...in Paisley language that is Cash (the babysitters dog) and that's what all dogs are! You will clap your hands then hit your hands on you lap while screaming CAAA at Bayleigh and Clowie. After this weekend I think our dogs should understand! You point, say CAA, and then crawl as fast as you can to them!

You also have a new love for 2 things: Dog Food & The Toilet! I know disgusting! You will sneak into the entry way where the dogs food is and eat it, we are teaching you that's its bad butttt you still like it! Thankfully its only happened twice. Now on to the toilet, when I get ready you like to sit in the bathroom (you used to sit in your room which is directly across so you could play and see me) and find random objects to throw in the toilet & try and fish them out. So now we have to remember to keep the toilet lid down. However, the bath tub is good with you too knocking anything that's on the side into it or grabbing toys off the floor and throwing them is fun too!

Now for my favorite... Dancing!!! You have always jumped when we say Jumpy Jumpy Jumpy...now if you say Shake Shake Shake, Shake Shake Shake, Shake your booty...you dance! I love it, it's the most adorable thing ever!

You have stood on your own a few times now, you've gone from sitting to standing then back to sitting. You will let go of our hands, it freaks me out b/c when you hurt yourself the fit is awful! Poor thing you've bumped your head so many times from being curious! I for see walking really soon....ahhh IDK if I'm ready for that!

We no longer can put bows in your hair, you take them right out and eat em!

We are still doing the Similac Advanced and you seem to be doing well! We have had a few issues of spitting up and/or stool but I think it's going to be ok. You are also eating whatever we eat for dinner, graduate meals for lunch, and oatmeal and fruit for breakfast...bye bye baby food!! I love when you eat what we are eating...you grunt if I'm not feeding you fast enough.

Cuddles with Dad before Work & The Babysitter, such a sweet picture.

Laundry Basket is your new favorite toy, you like to get in it, push it, throw things in and out of it!

Mmmm. Ice Cream!

What?! I didn't eat the ice cream Mommy!

For Macey's Birthday we went to dinner & to Baskin Robins where I shared a banana split with Daddy...don't ever make that mistake I took 2 bites and looked down and he had devoured it! Grandma came to the house and watched you for a few hours, she's been missing her Paisley girl!

Happy Birthday to Macey! (she was smart and got her own)

You hit your eye on the foot board of my bed trying to escape...you have already hit your head. You think its a game to crawl as fast as you can to the end of the bed & you are a dare devil it doesn't matter to you that its the end of the bed! It got you this time poor angel face!

You emptied your entire shoe drawer, and you were continuing to the drawer above to empty the pj's....I knew you were up to something so I walked into this!

Mommy went to get her hair done & when I came to get you...you and Abby were napping! How sweet!

Mommy's new hair!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

9 Months & 40 Weeks

This is your color page from Paisley's birthday party, you ate more of the crayon than you colored but thats ok! :)

I've been whipped into shape this morning. I stumbled across a blog about a precious little baby boy that may not live to be 3 years old & they discovered this just last month when he was 9 months old...the exact age that you are. This have been proof to me that everything happens for a reason and that it will touch someones life but I still feel it's so unfair that such an innocent little guy has to suffer. I've always kept this blog because I fear that something may happen to either your Daddy or I and I don't want you to ever have to wonder how your life was or miss out on any pictures....I never ever considered that it could just go the other way...It breaks my heart for that family. I couldn't even imagine being in their situation and yet they are so strong, granted I don't know them and I'm sure she breaks down but they are so brave! It makes me want to just LEAVE work now and cuddle with you. More this past month I've complained about how busy I am and how I have so much on my plate, yesterday I decided that something has to go. I don't think that's the case so much maybe I need to be appreciative of this time I have with everyone. I make it a point to play with you every day & cuddle every day I just hope that I never get too wrapped up in all of this other stuff and go a day without showing you how you and daddy are my #1. My heart aches so much for this family, but they are living life to the fullest and making sure they have nothing but wonderful memories with their sweet angel! Never take one day for granted & make sure everyone you love knows it!!

At nine months you do the following:

You weight 19.7oz (80%)

You are 28 1/3" Tall (95%)

Your FOC is 18"

You have started Similac Advanced, at first this was a battle you gagged and shivered but we have eased you into it and seem to be doing great!

Our next goal is to take you off of the Prevacid.

You have slept all night 3 days in a row, we did the cry it out and we only had one day of 30 min of crying which broke my heart! However now you can put yourself to sleep so I guess it was worth it!

You are wearing 9-12 month clothes & size 2 shoes still (tiny foot like Meme).

You talk a lot, I'm always talking back to you and we have conversations about absolutely nothing but I love it!

You are now a speed crawler, it's hilarious!!

You love to get into stuff, I was putting together a Scentsy order...you emptied the entire box of bars and put them right back! You do the same with your diaper bag, it's quite comical.

We still don't have any teeth, but Dr. McGrann said that's totally fine until 15 months.

We are still in size 4 diapers.

You like to push things around the house, your baby stroller, boxes, anything that will slide.

You walk down the couch!

You crawl to us and throw your arms up when you want to be held and cry if we don't!

You understand No & Come Here.

Colored your first color page at Paisley Kay's Birthday. You ate more crayons than you colored with but that's ok!

Changing your diaper is like wrestling and alligator...nearly impossible!

You eat anything we eat, meat, pasta, beans, vegetables...and love it all! We do have to be sure you eat something that starts with a P to keep your bowls moving so Peaches, Pears, Papaya, Plums, Prunes...you get the idea.

I love you so much & love how you get so excited to see me, this stage has been my favorite so far! ( I say that every time)

The differnece between a newborn & a 9 month old Mohawk!

This was your 9 month birthday! We went to lunch, then to Target, and then to you check up!

Some of my favorite moments! You love the toy where you stack the rings, and you are so good at it!!