I've been whipped into shape this morning. I stumbled across a blog about a precious little baby boy that may not live to be 3 years old & they discovered this just last month when he was 9 months old...the exact age that you are. This have been proof to me that everything happens for a reason and that it will touch someones life but I still feel it's so unfair that such an innocent little guy has to suffer. I've always kept this blog because I fear that something may happen to either your Daddy or I and I don't want you to ever have to wonder how your life was or miss out on any pictures....I never ever considered that it could just go the other way...It breaks my heart for that family. I couldn't even imagine being in their situation and yet they are so strong, granted I don't know them and I'm sure she breaks down but they are so brave! It makes me want to just LEAVE work now and cuddle with you. More this past month I've complained about how busy I am and how I have so much on my plate, yesterday I decided that something has to go. I don't think that's the case so much maybe I need to be appreciative of this time I have with everyone. I make it a point to play with you every day & cuddle every day I just hope that I never get too wrapped up in all of this other stuff and go a day without showing you how you and daddy are my #1. My heart aches so much for this family, but they are living life to the fullest and making sure they have nothing but wonderful memories with their sweet angel! Never take one day for granted & make sure everyone you love knows it!!
At nine months you do the following:
You weight 19.7oz (80%)
You are 28 1/3" Tall (95%)
Your FOC is 18"
You have started Similac Advanced, at first this was a battle you gagged and shivered but we have eased you into it and seem to be doing great!
Our next goal is to take you off of the Prevacid.
You have slept all night 3 days in a row, we did the cry it out and we only had one day of 30 min of crying which broke my heart! However now you can put yourself to sleep so I guess it was worth it!
You are wearing 9-12 month clothes & size 2 shoes still (tiny foot like Meme).
You talk a lot, I'm always talking back to you and we have conversations about absolutely nothing but I love it!
You are now a speed crawler, it's hilarious!!
You love to get into stuff, I was putting together a Scentsy order...you emptied the entire box of bars and put them right back! You do the same with your diaper bag, it's quite comical.
We still don't have any teeth, but Dr. McGrann said that's totally fine until 15 months.
We are still in size 4 diapers.
You like to push things around the house, your baby stroller, boxes, anything that will slide.
You walk down the couch!
You crawl to us and throw your arms up when you want to be held and cry if we don't!
You understand No & Come Here.
Colored your first color page at Paisley Kay's Birthday. You ate more crayons than you colored with but that's ok!
Changing your diaper is like wrestling and alligator...nearly impossible!
You eat anything we eat, meat, pasta, beans, vegetables...and love it all! We do have to be sure you eat something that starts with a P to keep your bowls moving so Peaches, Pears, Papaya, Plums, Prunes...you get the idea.
I love you so much & love how you get so excited to see me, this stage has been my favorite so far! ( I say that every time)
The differnece between a newborn & a 9 month old Mohawk!
This was your 9 month birthday! We went to lunch, then to Target, and then to you check up!
Some of my favorite moments! You love the toy where you stack the rings, and you are so good at it!!
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