Sophie is our new family member! I battled with getting another dog b/c no one would every replace my Bayleigh Girl, but there was such a void there for not only me but Paisley missed having a puppy to play with that wasn't huge and all up in her face, and I also think Clowie missed her sister. So after a few days of getting in bed and no one in there, not even Joseph b/c he's working out of town, and no one to greet me when I walked in the house I decided to look at puppies. I found his lady and she sent me pictures the first 2 weren't very cute .... and then she sent me Sophie's picture and she looked JUST LIKE BAYLEIGH! Right then and there I knew I needed her, I looked at some other breeders pictures and none compared to Sophie. Joseph had been trying to get me to get another dog, so of course he was on board! We went and got Sophie last night, she is so sweet. I was worried I wouldn't like her too much just b/c she wasn't Bay but I love her! She slept all night, didn't cry at all, only pottied on her pee pad! Where ever Paisley crawls Sophie is right behind her, there are already good friends. Clowie is slowly adjusting, she didn't really like Bayleigh at first either so that is no surprise. Now to go home and see what she has destroyed...eeekkk!!! I have faith that our angel Bayleigh is going to help break Sophie in!!
This was my first picture that sold me!
Paisley loved all of the puppies!
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