I've been slacking big time!
So here are some of the new things going on in the world of Paisley:
-I took you out of school....you just weren't adjusting well & you over all tempermant was just awful. You have always been a very outgoing but easy going baby and since school you have stopped sleeping all night, started throwing temper tantrums where you throw yourself on the ground and roll, put up a fight everytime we put you in the car & tried changing your diaper. I just felt that you were only learning bad behavior and that wasn't our goal. Nothing against the school b/c I think next year we will put you in when you are 2, thats the class you were in so you were 4 months younger than everyone. You just aren't ready for it.
-Mickey Mouse is your favorite, I've never seen someone get so excited to see that mouse show up on TV. You will bring us the remote & point at the TV it's too funny. You've also started saying Hi Guys & Bye Guys b/c of Mickey.You dance and sing along with them most of the show.
-Love to color, I've brought out the crayons, only blue, red, & green though so maybe you will learn the colors. Each time you make me draw, Soph, Clo, & Guh!
-You have memorized all 50 books we have in the basket. Your nursery rhyme book starts with "If you're happy & you know it clap your hands" and as soon as you bring the book, climb up in my lap, you start clapping. You know all of the animals sounds & can point them out....our favorite is the Dolphin- the iPad has an app with animals.
-Love saying bye I love you...you also bring us our shoes and tell us bye...guess you wanna go somewhere. The good part is you always bring the same 2 shoes.
-Have hair long enough for pig tails, now I'm not a fan of them but it is pretty cute on you!
-To take a bath we ask you if you want to go read a book on the potty, one day you are going to pee in the potty we just know it! You do tell us when you've pee'd so I think we are getting closer.
-Speaking of bath...you have quite the imagination. Nor us or my mom have taught her this (only ones that bathe her) our bathtub has a little holder for you to set a bar of soap on...You pretend that you are grabbing something and then you hand it to me...put your hand out and we give it back to you, you think this is hilarious! Last night you acted as if you were putting "IT" in the shampoo bottle, they say if they have an imagination they are smart so I guess you are super smart, which I don't question or doubt!
-You can say cookie, you are a tad bit obsessed w/ cookies! We were in the Dollar Store & we passed the Chewy Chips Ahoy package and you grabbed them right off the shelf & wanted me to open it up and give you one!
-You vocabulary is growing so fast that I can't even remember the things you are saying, we can ask you to say it and you will but there are some words that have stuck for sure! You did learn to SHUSH the dogs for school & put your finger over your lips.
-High Five, In The Hole... definitely a favorite of yours!
-You have a new cabbage patch, her name is Ally & you are crazy obsessed with her. I can't even let you take her to Gunner's house b/c you will NOT share her. Ally came w/ a paci & you make me put in Ally's PASS at least 50 times a day as well as swaddle her. I'm so glad you love her!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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