Wow, we are almost to the point where I don't say how many months you are...a year and a half...sheehs slow down angel!
You are growing so fast & learning so much, here are a few things that you do:
-Speak great....Daddy & I were sitting on the couch talking you were rambling over there and we finally realized you were saying Car & Apple which were on the page you were looking at! It amazes me how fast you pick things up! You have started saying Aww Man & it is the cutest thing ever! You know all of your animals & their sounds. We have started working on the letter P, if I spell out your name you repeat me! I would name the words you say but really you say so much.
- I remember being sad you didn't say Mom, you really made me wait 16-17 months to hear that...I was kinda sad but you have made up for it! Now its constant MOM, mom, MOOOOMMM, momma, MOOOOM, MOM! We were driving to Pearland and I swear the entire time you said Mom, I'd look back and say what angel & then you would wave at me or point to the TV! LOL you are very entertaining!
-You have TeeTee'd in the potty a few times. I guess it's time to start really buckeling down on potty training, I'm just so hesitant b/c I don't want to push it & you not be ready.
-You love your shoes as always but really love your new boots!
-You've started becoming a Momma's girl but I think b/c I'm home with you more. Don't get me wrong you lovvveee your Daddy, he is the only one that gets kisses everyday with out fail!
-Love, love, love Baby Ally, I'm not sure what we would do if something happened to her. Maybe I need to get a back up Ally!
- You are wearing 18-24 month clothes.
- Size 4 Diaper.
-Size 5 shoe.
- Still take a paci when you sleep, it needs to go but I know you aren't ready for that.
-Sleep the majority of the night, here lately you've been waking up a time or two but b/c you are teething.
- You have your bottom 2 teeth, a top one showing through ...and the other one pushing through. I think your back teeth are starting to come through too b/c you started wanting to chew on my finger...strange. Yay our baby might have teeth after all! :)
-We have a doctors appointment next week so we will know your weight & height, I'll update!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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