So yesterday we went for our ultrasound, I was so thankful that Joseph was able to make it. Originally he was supposed to go out of town for a job but since we had this scheduled first he was able to fly up there and meet them! Thats was a blessing!!!
So when we got there I was so nervous & I knew I had to drink 16oz of something or they weren't going to let me back yet but my stomach was churning so it was sooo hard....Orange Juice it was (thanks to my super smart friend Brandi) apparently OJ gives your baby a sugar rush! haha! Baby Penney was flipping and flopping around so she was very happy to show us everything the tech needed to see. She said finally this morning one thats going to participate. After about 30 minutes of her doing her measurements she finally said well ITS A GIRL! I was sooo excited!! Joseph said another GIRL! hahahah! He is really excited, he and his family were hoping for a boy b/c its been so long since they have had a baby boy! No worries we will get our boy next!
After the appointment we called & sent out texts so my phone was going crazy (my apology in advance if you did not get a text...i tried to remember everyone). We went to lunch at BJ's Brewery, gotta love their pizza, and we discussed names. I've been dead set on the name Paisley, I just love it! Joseph has never said yes or no b/c he said it didn't matter b/c it's a girl...well he was wrong! So we made our list while waiting on our food & he likes Paisley but wanted to choose the middle name.Well this was after he was giving me a hard time telling me he really wanted to name her Wynona Gene...really?? Not sure where that came from...random! I had 2-3 options Paisley Renee, Paisley Grace, or Paisley Danielle....he likes Paisley Renee...thats my favorite too! We are passing down our middle names so the boy whenever he gets here will be Jaxon Crockett, and Joseph picked that so it was only fair that I picked the girl! So as of now and we are about 85% sure that Paisley Renee Penney will be our precious little girls name, however my mother will be calling her Sweet P (she doesn't like the name)!
I'm very proud of myself I've not had the urge to shop yet...maybe b/c I'm overwhelmed with Christmas shopping at the moment..idk!?! My sister in law and nieces brought Paisley her first gift...the cutest outfit, blanket, and accessories!! This child will be spoiled's already known! So ONE of the days we have all been waiting for has come and gone & now we know we will have a beautiful little girl come May! December 21st I go for my doctors appointment regarding the ultra sound so check back around then for an update!
How far along? 18 weeks & 1 Day
Total weight gain: So far nothing but we shall see at the next apt!
Maternity clothes? No, just the hair tie. I bought a bella band....I just don't really care for it!
Sleep: Sleeping great...however stomach is now off limits!
Best moment this week: Seeing my precious little one & finding out it is now a SHE!
Movement: every now and then...not too often yet.
Gender: Girl, Paisley Renee
Labor Signs:God no!
Belly Button in or out? In but I'm afraid it might be stretching...eeekkk.
Cravings: Gotta have my apple juice....I drank one gallon in 3 days.
What I miss: Sleeping however I want.
Weekly Wisdom: Every time you see your little ones progress its amazing. I can't believe how much she has grown!!!
Milestones: Knowing i will be having a GIRL!
*Be sure to send me your email address if you follow my blog b/c in about 3 weeks it will be going private. I do not want to allow just anyone into my life story especially once the baby is here!*
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
I am so excited for you and Joseph! You will be wonderful parents to sweet little Paisley! Lots of love, the Knighton's! :)
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