In less than one week we will find out what our little bundle of joy is!! This time has really blown by, I feel like yesterday I was just taking that test! I'm so excited, a healthy baby is all that matters to me,but my gut has always said girl. I've told myself girl this whole time and now I'm beginning to think boy(maybe its me preparing myself)...so all the cute girly stuff I've seen I'm kinda sad that I might not get to buy..... but there are sooo many cute boy things as well! I know the "THINGS" won't matter one bit but those things are what have made me feel like this pregnancy is REAL! It still so hard to believe that in just a few months we will be parents! I wonder how we will be...
Christmas is right around the corner, I love this time of the year!! Our house is all Christmas-y, it makes me feel so jolly and full of joy! The best part of Christmas to me is buying others gifts, I love the look on peoples face when they get something they have been hoping for! I love watching my nieces tear through the wrapping paper and get all excited! Just the joy that others get from receiving leaves me wishing for Christmas to hurry up and get here! Just to think next year at this time I will have a 6/7 month old is amazing!!
What a sweet post Danielle!
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