Paisley's room has been a work in progress! Everything finally came in and if you know me & projects I'm the kind of person that wants it all done in one day. My husband has to remind me he's not a magician and I just need to slow down a's hard I get so excited! Her room is going to be so cute! However several times I found myself disappointed but in the end it all came together & once we get it finished the rest of the way I think we will love it! Here is your sneak peak, soon we will have more to show off!

The crib came in & Joseph got it all put together the first night!

Then came the bedding!

Choosing paint was a hard choice, thanks to Marion for making that a little easier for us! :) However at first I thought
OMG this is
wayyy to pink..but when we get stuff on the walls it will look better!

I swear I married the handiest man in the world, he can do anything! It only took him about an hour to get this up...
that's like record timing! (no he's not for sale or rent!
lol)Just the chair railing made the room look 100% better!

He is very
precise with everything!

The finished product for the weekend! This week the lady comes to measure for new blinds! Hopefully this week I will get the blinds hung & we are having a valance made so maybe 2 weeks & you get to see that!

And now for the crib! Doesn't it look good! I got a brown sheet last night & that really helped look better! The lady measuring for the blinds is going to also make a vinyl sticker w/ Paisley's name & a design on it to go above the crib! This is one of the things I just can't wait to get!
Our weekend was busy, but it was well worth it! Hopefully soon we will have the finished product to show you, but I knew you just couldn't wait to see our work in progress!