Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 30

Week 30 (2-28-2011)
Approximately 10 Weeks To Go

How far along? 29 weeks & 5 Days

Total weight gain: 9 Lbs & go back Friday so we will see.

Maternity clothes? I've come to realize they are much more comfortable so just embrace it!

Sleep: Getting up and climbing over Joseph at 2 am to use the restroom is getting a little more difficult...but I'm sleeping great!

Movement: She's an active little girl! She's been getting the hiccups more often, poor little girl!

Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney

Labor Signs: No Way

Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!

Cravings:Italian Food...anyone wanna go?! haha!

What I miss: I don't really miss anything, however I think I'll definitely miss being pregnant!
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy this b/c there is only 10 weeks left to go, it will be over before I know it!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 29 & The 4D Ultrasound 1st Attempt

Week 29 (2-21-2011)
Approximately 11 Weeks To Go

How far along? 28 weeks & 5 Days

Total weight gain: 9 Lbs

Maternity clothes? Yep & the Gap is my new favorite place! We had a Scentsy convention in the Woodlands, so my mom & I shopped...oh the Gap got me in lots of trouble! I sure hope these clothes fit me on kid #2!

Sleep: I'm sleeping really good...but a few nights I've had acid reflux!

Movement: I love feeling her move!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney

Labor Signs: No Way

Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!

Cravings:Italian Food...anyone wanna go?! haha!

What I miss: I don't really miss anything, however I think I'll definitely miss being pregnant!
Weekly Wisdom: Seeing your baby for the first time was super cool! I definitely think you should get a 4D when your expecting!

The 4D ultrasound was sooo coool!!! The lady that did it was just amazing, she wasn't impressed w/ Paisley's pictures b/c she kept her hand in her face & was really sleepy so I get to go back for a redo at no cost! I probably picked a really bad day b/c my glucose test was Friday as well so I couldn't have any sugar...this baby is used to having a coke at noon!! So next time I'll have her on a sugar rush! We are also hoping by that time she will have flipped I will be 31 weeks so its a possibility! :) Friday was a really good day, I even got my coach diaper bag i was hoping for now I just can't wait for it to come in! :) I'm getting really excited to meet my sweet angel, she will be here soon enough I know!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 28

Week 28 (2-14-2011)
Approximately 12 Weeks To Go

How far along? 27 weeks & 5 Days

Total weight gain: Doctors appointment Friday to find out!

Maternity clothes? Thankfully Old Navy had a good sale yesterday I got a bag full! :) My selection was getting slim!

Sleep: Well my poor husband has informed me I've started humming in my sleep! :( I'm sure that makes for a long night for him, I actually woke up several times last night b/c I caught myself. I have a cold so I'm hoping that when the cold goes away so does the humming! Thankfully he didn't go sleep in another bed or on the couch!

Movement: The other night she was using my ribs as a xylophone...it really tickled..so much that I laughed!

Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney

Labor Signs: No Way

Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!

Cravings: I'll admit that Baked Potato Soup is my craving...oh and brownies!

What I miss: Being able to wear anything I want...only having like 4 stores to shop at makes for a long day of shopping & somewhat disappointing!
Weekly Wisdom: It's nice to be able to return the favor to NEW expecting moms! Who knew that I'd be able to answer so many questions & comfort as well as the people that do exactly that each time I freak or have a question! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We're going to the race, we're gunna win 1st Place....

Joseph has always been a die hard racer, but the class he was in he got out of and traded for this beauty. This was a big change for us, he went from full size cars to these tiny little things. I am still very nervous about this but I will adjust. This track was so small it was more like bumper cars, so I was really nervous. Hopefully on a bigger track it will be better. Watching this could put in labor early hahaha! J/K!
Joseph had a great time!! His hose broke so he didn't get to run the B Main but, he got to practice so that was good!
Racing season starts in March so we will have a few months of racing before Ms. Paisley gets here!
We couldn't have done it without our tire man! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Baby Bump Monday Week 27

Week 27 (2-7-2011)
Approximately 13 Weeks To Go

How far along? 26 weeks & 5 Days

Total weight gain: Doctors appointment next Friday to find out!

Maternity clothes? I need more, my selection is slim!
Sleep: We've had a busy weekend so I'm behind on my sleep, however I sleep like a baby when it's time!

Movement: She moves around the same times everyday! If people go to feel her & they stop talking she stops moving, little brat! :)

Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney

Labor Signs: No Way

Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!

Cravings: This week I've really wanted some Baked Potatoe Soup!

What I miss: Being able to stand for long periods of time, I feel like a wimp always sitting down.

Weekly Wisdom: To accept these stretch marks I just discovered moments ago & the best war wounds ever. (thanks Brandi) I was really thinking I was going to get away w/ out them! :(

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A work in progress...

Paisley's room has been a work in progress! Everything finally came in and if you know me & projects I'm the kind of person that wants it all done in one day. My husband has to remind me he's not a magician and I just need to slow down a bit...it's hard I get so excited! Her room is going to be so cute! However several times I found myself disappointed but in the end it all came together & once we get it finished the rest of the way I think we will love it! Here is your sneak peak, soon we will have more to show off!

The crib came in & Joseph got it all put together the first night!Then came the bedding! Choosing paint was a hard choice, thanks to Marion for making that a little easier for us! :) However at first I thought OMG this is wayyy to pink..but when we get stuff on the walls it will look better!I swear I married the handiest man in the world, he can do anything! It only took him about an hour to get this up...that's like record timing! (no he's not for sale or rent! lol)Just the chair railing made the room look 100% better!He is very precise with everything!The finished product for the weekend! This week the lady comes to measure for new blinds! Hopefully this week I will get the blinds hung & we are having a valance made so maybe 2 weeks & you get to see that!

And now for the crib! Doesn't it look good! I got a brown sheet last night & that really helped look better! The lady measuring for the blinds is going to also make a vinyl sticker w/ Paisley's name & a design on it to go above the crib! This is one of the things I just can't wait to get!

Our weekend was busy, but it was well worth it! Hopefully soon we will have the finished product to show you, but I knew you just couldn't wait to see our work in progress!