Week 29 (2-21-2011)
Approximately 11 Weeks To Go
How far along? 28 weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: 9 Lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep & the Gap is my new favorite place! We had a Scentsy convention in the Woodlands, so my mom & I shopped...oh the Gap got me in lots of trouble! I sure hope these clothes fit me on kid #2!
Sleep: I'm sleeping really good...but a few nights I've had acid reflux!
Movement: I love feeling her move!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: No Way
Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!
Cravings:Italian Food...anyone wanna go?! haha!
What I miss: I don't really miss anything, however I think I'll definitely miss being pregnant!
Labor Signs: No Way
Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!
Cravings:Italian Food...anyone wanna go?! haha!
What I miss: I don't really miss anything, however I think I'll definitely miss being pregnant!
Weekly Wisdom: Seeing your baby for the first time was super cool! I definitely think you should get a 4D when your expecting!
The 4D ultrasound was sooo coool!!! The lady that did it was just amazing, she wasn't impressed w/ Paisley's pictures b/c she kept her hand in her face & was really sleepy so I get to go back for a redo at no cost! I probably picked a really bad day b/c my glucose test was Friday as well so I couldn't have any sugar...this baby is used to having a coke at noon!! So next time I'll have her on a sugar rush! We are also hoping by that time she will have flipped I will be 31 weeks so its a possibility! :) Friday was a really good day, I even got my coach diaper bag i was hoping for now I just can't wait for it to come in! :) I'm getting really excited to meet my sweet angel, she will be here soon enough I know!
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