Approximately 12 Weeks To Go
How far along? 27 weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: Doctors appointment Friday to find out!
Maternity clothes? Thankfully Old Navy had a good sale yesterday I got a bag full! :) My selection was getting slim!
Sleep: Well my poor husband has informed me I've started humming in my sleep! :( I'm sure that makes for a long night for him, I actually woke up several times last night b/c I caught myself. I have a cold so I'm hoping that when the cold goes away so does the humming! Thankfully he didn't go sleep in another bed or on the couch!
Movement: The other night she was using my ribs as a xylophone...it really tickled..so much that I laughed!
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: No Way
Belly Button in or out? Still in but not very cute!
Cravings: I'll admit that Baked Potato Soup is my craving...oh and brownies!
What I miss: Being able to wear anything I want...only having like 4 stores to shop at makes for a long day of shopping & somewhat disappointing!
Weekly Wisdom: It's nice to be able to return the favor to NEW expecting moms! Who knew that I'd be able to answer so many questions & comfort as well as the people that do exactly that each time I freak or have a question! :)
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