Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dad's First Time

Dads going out of town for a week tomorrow & so he decided he was going to spend the whole day with his little girl while I cleaned the house! :) Well keeping you ment feeding you so heres a picture:

4 Weeks

Today marks 4 weeks, wow I can't believe it (I think I start each post off like this but really it's hard to believe)! You are sooo much more aware now days, you like to talk to us! You are eating every 2.5-3 hours & now you've conquered a bottle! :) At first bottles were tough b/c I didn't know how much to give you but 4oz usually does the trick...I think if you could have more you would definitely eat it but you would be miserably full! Your acid reflux medicine seems to have done the trick for the most part but when we need an extra something your favorite thing in the world does the trick...Mylicon! I'm not sure what we would do without this stuff, its like candy to you!! You also started sleeping in your own crib and you love it, we both sleep a lot better! Dad had to wake me up once b/c he heard you crying & I didn't b/c I went to sleep with the monitor in my hand and was laying on it! It cracks me up how much you love to lay on your changing table and just stare at the tree on your wall, I'm so glad you love your room! Meme has to watch you this week for 3 days b/c I have to go back to work for a few hours : / I sure hope you are a sweet girl! Dad is going out of town for the first time as well...I'm pretty nervous about this! :( I can't wait to see what changes you will have made when he gets back in town next week!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Bottle

Tonight we went to MeMe's and you took your first bottle, you did really well!! We have to work on you eating slower but for the most part you did great, you're such a smart little girl!

Friday, May 27, 2011

First Bath

We are all set...ducky and all!!

Here we go...."Momma what in the heck are you doing to me?"

Look at her little Mohawk!!!!

Paisley had her first big girl bath today! :) Finally her umbilical cord came off and it stopped oozing enough that we felt comfortable to go for the splash! She loved it! I thought she was going to cry but she did so good!! I was so nervous to do this alone but it needed to be done so I said what the heck while Joseph was at work! :) I her little mohawk, can't wait to watch it grow, she is growing too fast! I'm sure bath time will be a favorite for here on out! I can't wait to cuddle with my fresh & so clean little angel!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Paisley is now 3 weeks old, one more week and she will be a month old...seems to be going by so fast!

Sunday was a big day for Paisley, her umbilical cord finally fell off!! Now she can get a bath like a big girl instead of just a wash rag bath. (Pictures to come soon)

I'm late writing this (2 days) but today we went to the doctor and my sweet girl is now 10 lbs!!! She is eating every 3 hours sometimes sooner... like 45 min after she ate...no wonder she's 10 lbs! Unfortunately the reason we had to go to the doctor is b/c shes been getting very upset after eating, just screaming like it HURT so we knew something was not right. So we took her to Dr.McGrann (who i absolutely love) and turns out she has Acid Reflux...so thankfully she got some prev acid that we will try for the first time in a few hours hopefully she will have some relief. She is still wearing newborn diapers however I'm pretty sure after this box we will be moving on to ones b/c some of her newborn outfits don't fit. I'm excited she has sooo many cute 0-3 month outfits, haha! She is so strong she has always held her head up, but now she can hold it up for minutes at a time, it amazes me! She really likes time in her swing & is awake more often and likes to check out whats going on. The dogs are so protective of her, however Bayleigh keeps stealing pacifiers we have already thrown 2 away. Sleeping is different night to night, I don't want to speak too soon but I think she's learning to sleep more during the night. Some of the cute things she does:

Grunts, squirms, and makes horse noises when she's waking up or is hungry.

When Joseph walks in the door from work and talks to her she just looks at him...even if in mid cry, she's already a Daddy's Girl.

Smiles in her sleep & occasionally when we are talking to her.

So many other things that just slipped my mind!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2 Weeks

Wow, 2 weeks already! Today was a hard day b/c Daddy had to go back to work, and to top it off Paisley did not sleep much last night. She eats every 3 hours on the dot, sometimes she will be and hour or so off. For the most part shes a very happy baby! Her eyes are startng to really lighten up, I think she will have blue eyes! From day to day she changes so much...I think she is starting to look more and more like Joseph. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Paisley's First Doctors Appointment

We had Paisley's first doctors appointment on Friday May 13th. She got a clean bill of health thankfully! Poor baby had to get the PKU again...she did NOT like it! She is definitely eating well she was 11 days old and weighs 8lbs 13oz and is 21 1/4 in long! After her appointment we did some shopping in Pearland, it was soooo nice to get out of the house! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My First Mother's Day

Mother's Day was great! We had several visitors, but Joseph was able to sneak away and get me a special Mother's Day card! My baby girl was the best Mother's Day gift anyone could ask for, she came just in the nick of time! :) She is such a blessing, I couldn't ask for a better life!

Monday, May 9, 2011

One Week Old

I can't believe she is already 1 week old, that flew by so fast! Paisley is eating well, every 3 hours on the dot shes awake and ready to nurse. She more alert and can focus better. Sleeping hasn't been too bad, although I think she might have her days and nights mixed up. She sleeps so sound during the day and at night she's fussy...hopefully we can break this habit. Her Jaundice went away completely and we don't have to monitor it anymore, thank the lord! :) We have a doctors appointment on Friday, I can't wait to see how much my little chubby baby weighs!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The day we have all been waiting on....

This weekend was a busy weekend! Friday night Stephanie took me out for my last "girls night out" before Paisley, we did some shopping & had an awesome dinner. Saturday was a long day I just didn't feel like I could get off of the couch I was just soo tired, but I manged to get up and go watch Joseph race considering it would be the last race I'd be able to attend for a few months. Sunday Stephanie & I went to Sam's so I could stock up on meat & some other items so grocery shopping wouldn't have to be done for a while. We came home and cooked a yummy dinner & my Dad came and ate as well. Finally we went to bed, picked up the house some what but for the most part....it needed some TLC b/c I had started laundry & didn't get it put away and used a lot of dishes for dinner that night that needed to be put away.

Little did we know that we would not be waking up b/c the alarm went off that morning...but because my water broke! 5:00 came around and I got up to use the restroom...when walking back to bed my water broke...so I said JOSEPH...he woke up from a dead sleep and looked so confused...I said my water broke...he said Call the DR! So I called and they told me to come in. So Joseph was up, ping ponging through the house...not sure what all he was doing but he was nervous. I fixed my hair put on my make up and got everything together...I even put away some dishes and folded the blankets. I wanted the house to be somewhat in order when the princess arrived(my amazing mother had my house cleaned & all decorated for us!)!!

So finally in the car we go, my Dad & Joseph's family were on their way. My mom was still in California and wasn't due in until 7:20 that night. She got her flight changed and she would be here by 3:00, thank God(she made it in plenty of time)! Joseph was going rather fast, I kept telling him DON'T SPEED I don't want to have to talk to a cop with the towel between my legs...we have plenty of time!!!! So that conversation went on the entire 25 min ride to Houston (usually a 45 min ride).

At last we are at the hospital, Crystal & my Dad pulled in right behind us! I got checked in my room and the nurse checked me... I was only a 1-2 but my water was definitely broke. So now it was time to wait for Dr. Tran who would be in at 8am. By the time Dr.Tran came in I was a 2-2.5 so she ordered Pitocin. My blood pressure had been reading really high, I always have perfect blood pressure, so they drew blood to see if I had preclampsia. The results came back and I did indeed have preclampsia, so Dr. Tran recommended that I go ahead and get the epidural now to try and help my blood pressure. I was sooooo scared to get the epidural, and for no reason at all it did not hurt a bit!!! Later when checked the epidural did not help with my blood pressure so I was put on blood pressure medicine. We had quite a crew there, my Dad, Crystal, Sherri, Frances, Ervin, Nicki, Ally, Pam, Stephanie, & Travis! By lunch I was a 4, and that's what they were hoping. She wasn't sure that I would be able to dilate the whole way but was going to give me until 7:00. At 7:00 I was at an 8.5-9, and finally at 11:00 I was a 10!!! I was so excited I had made it that far!! Dr. Tran said due to Paisley's head being large and getting stuck under my pubic bone she gave me a 50/50 chance to deliver her vaginally & I was bound and determined! Dr.Tran was now off call and Dr.Mata was the doctor that would be delivering, I was ok with that b/c she was very very nice & I really liked her!! So from 9:30 until 11:00 Dr.Mata allowed me to push before deciding if there would be a C-Section, which I was totally freaking out about so I was watching the clock! Joseph & the nurse were the only ones that were in the room while pushing. Joseph did so good, he did get a little woozy at one point and drank some apple juice and was back and ready to go! The nurse too was amazing I had 2 that day but the one that actually delivered Paisley was awesome! Anyways, at 11:00 I had made some progress...so another 3o min before a C-Section was the game plan. So I pushed for 15 min and the nurse checked me...Paisley's head was NOT budging sooo...I made the call, lets just do the C-Section I was exhausted and was in sooo much pain. As important to me as it was to have her naturally I knew it wasn't going to happen. I gave it my all, I was in labor from 5am until 11:30pm, there was nothing to be ashamed of! So after some tears they wheeled me into the operating room & started the procedure. While on the operating table they were talking about the Royal Wedding...the nurse didn't like Kate's makeup & hair...so I chimed in and said did you know she did it herself? So again...I freaked out thinking that this C-Section was going to be so bad but it wasn't bad at all! I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to hold my baby afterwards and I was able to...so many fears that weren't even an issue. So at 11:56 my sweet Paisley girl was born she was 8lbs 5oz & 21 inches long. She was the most precious thing I had ever laid eyes on, her Daddy and I were the happiest parents in the whole world! The look on Joseph's face was priceless, this little girl has him wrapped around his finger! I went into recovery for an hour and finally got my room, at 4am they finally brought us our sweet baby! MeMe, Grandpa, & Ryan waited around to hold her and see her up close, they were infatuated!

Everyone went home and I fed my little angel and we went to sleep for the night. Wait let me add in I FINALLY GOT SOMETHING TO DRINK! Ice chips all day was awful....and I had to wait until morning to get food. Paisley checked out great & they thought we would come home on Wednesday. Come Wednesday Paisley's jaundice levels were too high so we had to wait until Thursday. Thursday we went home but we had to get a blanket that Paisley would sleep with to bring her jaundice levels down & then we were to bring her back to the hospital that morning to recheck the levels. Thankfully the numbers were satisfactory but Dr. McGrann wanted to give one more night with the blanket and test again & my sweet sweet girl passed & was able to get rid of the stupid blanket!

She is doing so good! Joseph has been the most amazing Daddy in the world, not that I didn't think he would but not until Saturday did I change the first diaper. He is on everything, he gets her to sleep when she's fussy, changes diapers, he's so good, only thing he doesn't do is feed her and thats only b/c he can't (if he could he would I'm sure!). I'm so lucky to have these two, they are amazing!

The dogs have done very good with her too! Anytime someone goes to hold Paisley, Bayleigh jumps in their lap and has to check them out. We thought she was going to be jealous but instead she's super protective. Clowie is exactly as I had expected, just laid back as could be! That was such a relief!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last Race Before Sweet Pea

Saturday night Joseph went racing, it was a big race 50 lap feature! I was pretty nervous about it but wanted to go b/c considering I would be induced on Friday I had better get my last race in for a while. Joseph did great! His first race his chain popped off but he was in 1st place, so he had to race a qualifier he won this race!! In the feature he got 14 of 25, he hadn't made the right adjustments but I was happy he finished in one piece. At the 25 lap mark they got a 5 min red & he was out of tear off so I went out on the track and had to run a little ways...I'm sure that was quite the show for some of the fans! :P All in all we had a great time!