Today marks 4 weeks, wow I can't believe it (I think I start each post off like this but really it's hard to believe)! You are sooo much more aware now days, you like to talk to us! You are eating every 2.5-3 hours & now you've conquered a bottle! :) At first bottles were tough b/c I didn't know how much to give you but 4oz usually does the trick...I think if you could have more you would definitely eat it but you would be miserably full! Your acid reflux medicine seems to have done the trick for the most part but when we need an extra something your favorite thing in the world does the trick...Mylicon! I'm not sure what we would do without this stuff, its like candy to you!! You also started sleeping in your own crib and you love it, we both sleep a lot better! Dad had to wake me up once b/c he heard you crying & I didn't b/c I went to sleep with the monitor in my hand and was laying on it! It cracks me up how much you love to lay on your changing table and just stare at the tree on your wall, I'm so glad you love your room! Meme has to watch you this week for 3 days b/c I have to go back to work for a few hours : / I sure hope you are a sweet girl! Dad is going out of town for the first time as well...I'm pretty nervous about this! :( I can't wait to see what changes you will have made when he gets back in town next week!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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