This weekend was a busy weekend! Friday night Stephanie took me out for my last "girls night out" before Paisley, we did some shopping & had an awesome dinner. Saturday was a long day I just didn't feel like I could get off of the couch I was just soo tired, but I manged to get up and go watch Joseph race considering it would be the last race I'd be able to attend for a few months. Sunday Stephanie & I went to Sam's so I could stock up on meat & some other items so grocery shopping wouldn't have to be done for a while. We came home and cooked a yummy dinner & my Dad came and ate as well. Finally we went to bed, picked up the house some what but for the most needed some TLC b/c I had started laundry & didn't get it put away and used a lot of dishes for dinner that night that needed to be put away.
Little did we know that we would not be waking up b/c the alarm went off that morning...but because my water broke! 5:00 came around and I got up to use the restroom...when walking back to bed my water I said JOSEPH...he woke up from a dead sleep and looked so confused...I said my water broke...he said Call the DR! So I called and they told me to come in. So Joseph was up, ping ponging through the house...not sure what all he was doing but he was nervous. I fixed my hair put on my make up and got everything together...I even put away some dishes and folded the blankets. I wanted the house to be somewhat in order when the princess arrived(my amazing mother had my house cleaned & all decorated for us!)!!
So finally in the car we go, my Dad & Joseph's family were on their way. My mom was still in California and wasn't due in until 7:20 that night. She got her flight changed and she would be here by 3:00, thank God(she made it in plenty of time)! Joseph was going rather fast, I kept telling him DON'T SPEED I don't want to have to talk to a cop with the towel between my legs...we have plenty of time!!!! So that conversation went on the entire 25 min ride to Houston (usually a 45 min ride).
At last we are at the hospital, Crystal & my Dad pulled in right behind us! I got checked in my room and the nurse checked me... I was only a 1-2 but my water was definitely broke. So now it was time to wait for Dr. Tran who would be in at 8am. By the time Dr.Tran came in I was a 2-2.5 so she ordered Pitocin. My blood pressure had been reading really high, I always have perfect blood pressure, so they drew blood to see if I had preclampsia. The results came back and I did indeed have preclampsia, so Dr. Tran recommended that I go ahead and get the epidural now to try and help my blood pressure. I was sooooo scared to get the epidural, and for no reason at all it did not hurt a bit!!! Later when checked the epidural did not help with my blood pressure so I was put on blood pressure medicine. We had quite a crew there, my Dad, Crystal, Sherri, Frances, Ervin, Nicki, Ally, Pam, Stephanie, & Travis! By lunch I was a 4, and that's what they were hoping. She wasn't sure that I would be able to dilate the whole way but was going to give me until 7:00. At 7:00 I was at an 8.5-9, and finally at 11:00 I was a 10!!! I was so excited I had made it that far!! Dr. Tran said due to Paisley's head being large and getting stuck under my pubic bone she gave me a 50/50 chance to deliver her vaginally & I was bound and determined! Dr.Tran was now off call and Dr.Mata was the doctor that would be delivering, I was ok with that b/c she was very very nice & I really liked her!! So from 9:30 until 11:00 Dr.Mata allowed me to push before deciding if there would be a C-Section, which I was totally freaking out about so I was watching the clock! Joseph & the nurse were the only ones that were in the room while pushing. Joseph did so good, he did get a little woozy at one point and drank some apple juice and was back and ready to go! The nurse too was amazing I had 2 that day but the one that actually delivered Paisley was awesome! Anyways, at 11:00 I had made some another 3o min before a C-Section was the game plan. So I pushed for 15 min and the nurse checked me...Paisley's head was NOT budging sooo...I made the call, lets just do the C-Section I was exhausted and was in sooo much pain. As important to me as it was to have her naturally I knew it wasn't going to happen. I gave it my all, I was in labor from 5am until 11:30pm, there was nothing to be ashamed of! So after some tears they wheeled me into the operating room & started the procedure. While on the operating table they were talking about the Royal Wedding...the nurse didn't like Kate's makeup & I chimed in and said did you know she did it herself? So again...I freaked out thinking that this C-Section was going to be so bad but it wasn't bad at all! I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to hold my baby afterwards and I was able many fears that weren't even an issue. So at 11:56 my sweet Paisley girl was born she was 8lbs 5oz & 21 inches long. She was the most precious thing I had ever laid eyes on, her Daddy and I were the happiest parents in the whole world! The look on Joseph's face was priceless, this little girl has him wrapped around his finger! I went into recovery for an hour and finally got my room, at 4am they finally brought us our sweet baby! MeMe, Grandpa, & Ryan waited around to hold her and see her up close, they were infatuated!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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