Today you are 5 weeks old! You have now mastered eating out of a bottle, you eat 4 ounces but think you should get more...however if you eat any more you have a belly ache & you are no fun! Mylicon is still one of your favorite things in the entire world, sometimes I wonder if you know how to work us just so you can have some! When I'm burping you you are so good at holding your head up as well as "standing" while holding all of your weight(this is mainly b/c you are throwing a fit, you do not like taking a break to burp!!). I think you are one tough little girl! You are sleeping well (I sure hope I've not jinxed myself) from 10ish-5ish in your OWN CRIB!!! I'm so proud, you've done so good & I think we all sleep better this way. You are now wearing 0-3 month clothing, thankfully b/c you have sooo many cute clothes in this size! You have also moved up to size 1 diapers, even though Dad says they are too big still, he just doesn't want to face you growing up! You are so much more aware these days, you even laugh and smile sometimes, mostly at your MeMe though!You really like your swing and bouncer! This was the first week we stayed alone, Dad was gone for 1 week, but we managed thanks to MeMe & Stephanie! It was a big change and we were sure glad to have Dad back!! I was so worried about Bayleigh but shes the best puppy when it comes to you, if you are crying and I'm in another room she comes to me and then runs back to you making sure I know whats going on. Also when we get home & I let her out if you are still in the car she goes and "dances" by your door b/c she wants you out & wants to see you so that shes sure you are ok! You've made so many changes this week I'm so excited to see what next week holds.
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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