I'm a little late with this entry b/c we've had a crazy week! You are doing really well, you are getting so big. Unfortunately you have eczema, you are definitely your mothers child...I'm sorry you get your skin from me! You are still sleeping well through the night & love bath time! Sunday I tried you on formula & it didn't work out so well so back to breastfeeding we go! It was a rough day yesterday b/c of the formula not agreeing with you! I was at a point where stress is so high & there is sooo much going on that I was ready to give up breastfeeding, but then guilt got me when I saw how hurt you were! Maybe at your 2 month checkup I will talk to Dr.McGrann. This Sunday is Father's Day & Daddy is out of town working but we will make it up to him b/c he such a good Daddy and deserves the best day ever! I got you a mobile for your crib and you will lay there and watch the animals go round and round forever...only bad part is the music only goes for about 3 min and then it has to be wound up again...to bad we can't make it go longer! You are so aware now days we were eating at a restaurant the other night while you were taking your bottle & the nosey little girl you are you watched the lady walk past while you were eating...normally its only about the bottle!! Before we know it you will be a crawling I'm sure! We've started tummy time each day for about 5 minutes & you seem to enjoy it you push up and look around you are so strong! We love you so much & are so blessed to have such a sweet little girl!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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