You wear size 2 Diapers
You wear some 0-3 & some 3-6 month clothes.
You weigh about 15 lbs I bet.
You eat 6 oz every 3 hours.
You wake up to eat, but you go right back to sleep.
Bath time is still a favorite and you laugh at yourself in the mirror.
You laugh all of the time.
You roll over.
You can sit up in your bumbo without any issues.
Bayleigh is completely infatuated with you, however you like to watch Clowie more.
You love to go outside, if you are ever fussy we go outside and you are good.
You really like your Paci when your sleepy, however around 4 months we are going to start giving it to you less. Wish me luck ;)
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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