Ready to go eat for Moms birthday...how cute is she in her Sperry's & daisy dukes?!

Paisley turned 16 weeks old and I turned 25...eeek! I had the best day with my sweet girl we just hung out! This time last year I was so worried that we weren't going to be able to have a baby & 10 days later I found out I was pregnant! She is the best birthday gift I could ask for!
Sunday we went to church & then dropped Paisley off with Meme and Grandpaw while Joseph took me birthday shopping! We went back and had dinner since Grandpaw had surgery on my actual birthday, it was sooo yummy! Monday night we went out to dinner with our friends & had a great time! I can only imagine your 25th birthday, I'm sure you will be a beautiful & respectable young lady! I love you Angel!
Things you have done this week...you are getting so good at holding yourself up while on your belly, and you started to kinda scoot...maybe crawling will be soon! I've started you on oatmeal cereal since rice cereal really doesn't agree with you...but oatmeal must not be as filling b/c you are still getting up. I love to hear you laugh and talk it is the cutest thing everrr!! You also went swimming in Meme's pool, you looovvee to splash around! You will definitely be a water baby!! (also your Sperry's finally fit :) )
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