By the way, your new favorite thing to do is spit...we tell you no but I'm not sure you really understand but you stop! Crazy little girly!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Week 26
By the way, your new favorite thing to do is spit...we tell you no but I'm not sure you really understand but you stop! Crazy little girly!
Posted by The Penney's at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 28, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Week 25
The week started out cold, and you have no winter clothes so I had to scrounge you up something! You were so cute! Don't worry you are plenty stocked up for winter now!
Posted by The Penney's at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Week 24
Our Boss!
You have started drinking water out of a sippy cup and you are pretty good for just a little girl!
You love play time with mommy & daddy and when I set you down you cry. You are just a little spoiled...that's not a good thing! Meme bought you a book and its your favorite toy you have!
Daddy taught you how to stick out your that tongue is always out!
You eat stage 2 foods and you have tried many of them, when I see new ones I grab them, and there hasn't been one that you don't like! You are getting to the point of wanting to feed yourself...this could get messy! You aren't a very polite little put your feet up on the tray every time you eat!
Posted by The Penney's at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2011
Week 23
Well Mommy was bad and forgot to do last weeks post so here are some pics!
You have started stage 2 foods, so you have tried turkey & chicken so far..well of course mixed with some sort of rice or vegetable. I just cant stomach them alone! For breakfast you eat a carton & at dinner you have one carton and then some oatmeal cereal as well.
Posted by The Penney's at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My first night away...
This weekend I went on my first trip away. You stayed with Dad & Meme watched you while Dad went racing. You were well taken care of!
As for me...I did ok it was nice to have a whole night sleep, but I was sick. So my time away was kinda hard b/c I didn't feel well & you weren't feeling well. We had a blast though, Canton was a lot of fun i spent 80% of my money on you, you got some cute cute stuff! There was an outlet mall right behind our hotel so that was pretty neat! Saturday when we finished up at Canton we decided there was no reason to waste time lets get home to our babies!! So we loaded up with intentions to surprise Daddy at the races, we did meet him at the races butttt he was pulling out! He was surprised though! When I got home you were sleeping but when you woke up at 6:30 that next morning I couldn't wait to play with my sweet girl! Time away from you is so hard, it will be a while before my next trip!
Posted by The Penney's at 2:32 PM 0 comments