Oh my sweet girl, you are growing up so fast I just can't believe you are already 5 months old! I have so much to share:
- You eat 6oz every 4 hours.
-You eat baby food and cereal both morning and night.
-You are sitting up all on your own.
-Daycare didn't work out..you went for one day. Now both Ashley & Cailey watch you and you just love them! When Ashely watches you Karlynn comes and y'all are so cute together!
-When it comes to crawling you've started to get your knees under you but haven't figured it out yet.
-Teething has been a nightmare, no teeth yet but you keep having episodes.
- You got sick for the first time, just a cold but its not fun!
- I spent my first night away from you :( it was a sad sad day but I also had a lot of fun w/ my friends.
-You are still getting up once to eat at night!
-After you finish up these peaches we move on to stage 2 foods.
- You grab everything & its sooo funny! You've almost mastered putting your paci back in your mouth, I can't wait for that day!
- You no longer sleep swaddled and do just fine with it!
-Clowie & Bayleigh are the most amazing things to you, you want to eat them! So far they are very patient with you!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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