Our Boss!
You have started drinking water out of a sippy cup and you are pretty good for just a little girl!
You love play time with mommy & daddy and when I set you down you cry. You are just a little spoiled...that's not a good thing! Meme bought you a book and its your favorite toy you have!
Daddy taught you how to stick out your tongue....now that tongue is always out!
You eat stage 2 foods and you have tried many of them, when I see new ones I grab them, and there hasn't been one that you don't like! You are getting to the point of wanting to feed yourself...this could get messy! You aren't a very polite little girl...you put your feet up on the tray every time you eat!
I'm surprised that you don't have bruises from you beating yourself. You get so excited and start swinging your arms around...its so funny! You are blossoming so much every week, you have such a cute personality!
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