You are half of a year old...Oh Emm Gee!!
- You weight 17lbs 10oz you are 27 1/4". You are in the 96th percentile for height & weight!
- You eat 6 oz every 4 hours.
- You eat stage 2 foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you also have cereal at night.
- You are eating the Graduate snacks, the yogurt melts, the puffs, and the aren't too sure about the yogurt melts.
- You can maneuver in a circle ... crawling wont be long!
- You have almost mastered a sippy cup.
- You sleep most of the night and some nights you wake up for a feeding.
- You've started pulling up, like in the bath tub not a good ideal little girl!
- You must be super sweet b/c the mosquitoes keep eating you up!
- You have got this little attitude, I'm not sure where you got it, probably your daddy! I think you're a tad bit spoiled : /
- You still love being outside, especially in the swing!
- You were spitting your food when you were full but you know what no means so you don't really do it much anymore.
- You are the most adorable little girl & can't imagine how fast this next 6 months will fly by!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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