Whats new this week....
Well you like to fake cough, I have been under the weather and had a small cough...so you little stinker you mimic every time I cough!
You are pulling up on everything, Clowie, Me, the couch, anything you can get your hands on....you do not want to be sitting down! Idk if you will ever crawl...it's looking like you will just walk!

You still aren't sure what to think about Gunner, you sometimes steal his blanket or his socks! One day he will be stealing your stuff to get you back!

Someone killed a dear at Grandpa's land...I think it might have been this little hunter!

MMmmm....Cucumbers are so yummy!

This was so entertaining to you, I drug you all over the house..and then you were just happy to be in there...the best pay pen ever!

This is the new face...followed w/ snorting! Idk where you picked this up but it is soooo cute!

Just a swinging!

Clowie loves you, and you like her but LOVE Bayleigh...who tolerates you! When Bayleigh scratches you laugh ... when she jumps you laugh...when she barks you laugh!

mmmm apples! You love to feed yourself!
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