It's so funny how much more you blossom each week, you are constantly on the go & are growing so fast! Trying to get you to eat baby food is such a task, you want what we are eating and want nothing to do with this baby food business!! You've learned how to play peek-a-book, and crack up every time you pull the blanket off of your face!Tug-a-war with the dogs is one of your favorite games too!! I love those moments!! You and Daddy love your time to wrestle, and now poor Clow has to pay the price!
Well poor Clowie, she is your new found playground! You not only lay on her you try and wrestle her like some sort of alligator! You are one crazy baby, and of course Clowie just loves every second of it!
Paisley the alligator, I mean dog wrestler!
Nap time on Clowie! Daddy was afraid you would fall, but you did this for quite some time!
I've caught you in the dog bowls while they are eating, I'm so glad they are patient! You have gotten very close but so far you haven't eaten any dog food!!
What an eventful weekend we had! Meme had surgery on Thursday so Friday & Saturday we spent some time with them! You didn't want anything to do with any other than your Grandpa...I can't say I blame you look at all the fun stuff he did with you...
I walked outside looking for you two, and this is what I walked up on! I love this picture & think you will cherish it for many years!
You even got to pet the cows nose!
Grandpa took you for a ride on the lawn mower, I tried to take you off and you wouldn't come to me! Finally you started dozing off and then you went right to sleep!

You spent some time with your Uncle Johnny Saturday morning...Daddy's toes in the picture haha!
You love this little dinasaur, you sit on it and watch TV.
So this sucking your toe thing...idk what to think about it...its rather weird but everyone says its normal! Again a yearbook picture!! (: (look at those new toms, we both have some :))
Having fun w/ Daddy's race car tires! Daddy can't wait until racing season comes up he thinks you will love it...I don't see that happening but I hope you do for his sake!
Mommy Folds, Paisley work has gotten fun!
Sit in the bathtub..yeah right!
I made us a new wreath, kinda plain but I like it!