I can't believe that in 4 months you will be tearing into a Birthday cake! I've already started with the preparations...well I have a theme & I know I'll be making most of the decor....what have I got myself into? It's going to be cute though & I can't wait!
Back to you being 8 months....there are so many things you are doing now like:
*Crawling all over the place
* Pulling up on everything in site & you're able to sit back down
*Finding everything on the ground....especially leaves, you have some sort of fascination with the leaves that the dogs drag in.
*Eating off of our plate, you've even tried a few meats but just little slivers
*Eating chunks of apples, cheese, pears, mum mums, and Gerber snacks all by your self
*Eating 8 oz every 4 hours as well as a fruit for breakfast, vegetable for lunch, and a "Dinner" & fruit for dinner
*Drink out of your sippy cup no problem
*You say Dada
*You have learned how to throw a fit...not sure I like it so much
*You've said Ma, Hot, and Bye Bye but not enough to say they are a part of your vocabulary
*Still totally infatuated with Bayleigh
*Love playing outside
*Sleep....not so great somethings got you waking up so frequently
*Enjoy riding in the car now that you have a DVD player
* We are having to buy new clothes b/c your 6mo are getting too small on to 9 months
*You are wearing a size 4 diaper
*You only have a paci when falling to sleep
* You love to be tickled
*You smile sooo often, I'm so thankful you are such a happy little girl
*Bath time is still a fave
You are such a little Angel! I love you to the moon & back!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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