I was pregnant for 37 weeks...so I've now had you in my arms as long as I had you in my tummy...I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you! I'm so thankful that I've been blessed with such a sweet yet goofy little girl! This week has been the funnest of all, you are so adventurous & daring! You are all over the place, if I'm in one room you are not far behind me with your little Cough-Laugh, Daddy doesn't know how your little throat doesn't hurt as often as you make this noise, but it's so cute! You love to play chase,but you have no fear which scares me you were crawling around and where the floor steps down into the Texas room you fell right in and bumped your little head, you had a bruise for a few days. You love to clap, it's so cute! You will be walking soon, you're getting a little too big for your britches you just let go while standing up...really scares me! You've never really liked your walker but Aunt Sherri bought you a dinosaur and you love it you go backwards everywhere! Meme got you a swing set for Christmas and this weekend you weren't sick and it was warm enough to play on it, so Mommy went and got Karlynn and y'all had a fun time while little Gunner watched you, before we know it he will be right in there with you! Speaking of Gunner, Thursday was the first day Macey Babysat you y'all had a good day! I'm really excited for you and Gunner to grow up together, especially if we don't plan on having another kid! Josh told me that there is an album that popped up on Ella's Pandora account that was renditions by Journey, you know that as soon as I heard that I downloaded it and that's what you listen to when you're sleeping. Sleeping wasn't going to well but now that we have music playing & no lights on you sleep great...Saturday you slept from about 10:30-8:30 I made Daddy get up and make sure you were OK b/c that was very odd! You were fine as suspected but I was still a little nervous! : P We had a great weekend, didn't do a whole lot but those are the best weekends!!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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