Well we have now been married for 144 days according to THE NEST counter. Things are going great, I couldn't have asked for a better man! We have purchased a new home, moved our dog in, bought a new car, gone through a surgery, and have done a lot of remodeling!
The wedding was awesome! We are so thankful for everyone that participated in our special day! The Honeymoon was ok, we had a great time but I wouldn't advise you go to . It was great to get away and we enjoyed every second of it, but I've heard from others that it just wasn't up to their expectations either! is just a very dirty place and the streets are scary. So most of the time we were just at the resort. I did swim with the Dolphins one of my many dreams in life! That was so awesome, I’d like to do it again so that this time I won’t be as scared. Those are huge animals popping up out of nowhere right in front of you! We also met a couple, I talk to her at least once a week so that really neat! We discovered we really like Piano bars, that was one of our favorite parts every night that’s where you could find us! LOL!
The house is great! We still have some work to do, and at first that was the hard part for me. I had a hard time realizing we couldn’t do it all in one weekend. We are definitely making progress though! We are hoping to have our game room finished up pretty soon. Joseph has been working on it and it’s finally ready to be textured. We still need to put in new bathroom counter tops, build a pantry, and put down some trim. Hey but we have at least 5 more years to get that done!
Clowie got to come live with us and I’m so happy to have her. She is so spoiled, she has con'd us into bringing her to work everyday. If we leave she just runs to Mrs. Pat’s and of course she lets her in. Heaven forbid Clowie stays outside! LOL! =) She has her bed in our bedroom and couldn't be happier. She has gained some weight for sure!
At the end of August Joseph had to have hand surgery. He got a cut on his hand and it healed but there was and infection in the joint. He had to go through surgery once to get the infection out, and had to get it packed for a week after that. It was not a pleasant experience for him, his sister, or I, it was one of the most painful things he has ever been through. After doing the packing for a week he had a surgery to sew the wound back up. He is now well recovered, but that was a miserable month!
Before the surgery Joseph's sister Caroline decided to buy my car. So I was carless for about 2 weeks. Well Joseph's first hand surgery was during this time, I was driving work trucks or my mom’s car. It was such an inconvenience for everyone, and very uncomfortable for Joseph. So we just decided after searching EBAY and Craigslist everyday to just go to Ron Carter and buy the one we wanted. So we are very proud owners of a Tahoe! My dream car, he wouldn't let me buy anything other that that. He said your getting what you want b/c this is the last vehicle for a while!
Now life has started to slow down just in time for the Holidays! This will definitely be a very busy year ahead of us. We will be in 4 weddings this year, congratulations to all of the Bride and Grooms to be I hope you all have a blessed marriage! I'm so excited to have our First Thanksgiving & Christmas at our home! Many of you have asked…BABY YET…no maybe next year! = ) I hope to update this often so come back and check it out!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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