This is our first holiday together as a married couple! It's been so exciting, if you come to my house you would be able to tell! I might have gone a little bit overboard with the decorations, but its been so much fun! = ) The day after Thanksgiving Joseph got the Christmas lights put up, I wasn't much help b/c I was up at 3:30am to make sure we got all of the good sales. I did that for sure, I got 90% of our Christmas gifts taken care its on for the wrapping! We have our tree up and its really pretty I will have to post a picture soon! I'm so proud of the outcome, i hate to think that in less than a month i will have to put it all away! =( We have been blessed this year in so many ways, we have so much to be thankful for....we have a great family, beautiful home, precious puppy, and the best friends that we could ask for.
We just got back this week from a deer lease and had a great time.Our friends Stephanie & Travis invited us up to thier families ranch in Speaks, TX is soooo nice! Joseph killed 3 deer & 1 pig. We had a great turn out, i'm ready to get all of the meat back b/c deer steaks are our favorite! Me on the other hand I was just along for the ride, maybe next year I'll shoot...we will see! I was the spotter for my friend Stephanie, I told her which animal to shoot and helped her find it! We killed a total of 5 pigs, not bad for as loud as we were. We had so much fun!!!!!
We have a lot in store for us in 2010, fwe have 5 weddings! I know we will be busy busy bees! I couldn't be happier for all of the newly engaged couples...just last year i was in the same situation as them. So much to get done, but we did it and I'd love to do it over and over again! Planning weddings is so fun, so lucky me i get to help out with some this year! We also are looking for a vacation for our 1 year anniversary....we are leaning towards a cruise. If anyone has one they really enjoyed suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone!
Danielle & Joseph Penney
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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