This time of the year I get crazy busy, and if I don't watch out I find myself not enjoying the holidays at all. We always have so much going on, first its Thanksgiving madness, then Christmas Shopping, Christmas & the Christmas Party for Davenport Transport. The "WHITE ELEPHANT" is the crowd favorite so i had to purchase 27 women's gifts and 27 men's gifts plus children's gifts, its a lot of fun but the preparation is very tiring. This year the party was a huge success so that makes it worth it. I also make the baskets for our customers this year i decided to make sugar cookies w/ icing and they were decorated so cute. Stephanie helped me, we paid very close attention to detail, so much that we were placing the shiny BB looking balls w/ tweezers! They all turned out so good!! Now its time to finish up the shopping for the last minute gifts and then Christmas! =) But through all of the chaos I've been very thankful that all that I have been blessed w/ this year! I will be sad when Christmas is over b/c I finally have all of my decorations out and just the way I like them! We wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Joseph & Danielle Penney
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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