So we had our first doctors appointment yesterday, i was stressing b/c due to our crazy busy schedule at work i wasn't sure Joseph would be able to make it! I wasn't OK with anyone but him going b/c it deserved to see his kid first and b/c its different to be there rather that just see a black and white picture. Dr. Tran explained so much to he and I that i thought it was really neat.
So to start our day we went to lunch at Olive Garden & of course I ate too much and didn't feel that great! :) I then told Joseph to enter the Hospital vs. the Professional building so we had to do a bit of walking, but we got to the apt. with a few minutes to spare. When they called me back they asked some question & they were going to do exam so Joseph decided that he would go to the waiting room until time for the ultrasound, it was kinda funny but i don't blame him at all! The nurse calculated my due date and said i was 3 weeks pregnant.....i was like ummm what date did you use & she calculated it wrong for sure. According to the CORRECT calculations she said i was 7 weeks and 6 day due on April 29th. So then Dr.Tran came in and she was shocked that i was back so soon, as was I! At last the moment I was waiting for time for the Joseph came back in! She said look at the see that blinking that's your babies heart beat, we were both amazed at how small it was (weeks 6 is the size of a blueberry). She measured the embryo and it measured 6weeks and 1 day & then she measured the sack and it was 6 weeks and 1 day so that was good news! May 11th is our little ones due date. Everything checked out great, she even printed us out a picture:

But...of course they had to ruin my high ... i had to have blood drawn...8 vials at that! I usually pass out, in fact i passed out 2 months ago when i had my first appointment with her! This time I was good though I had them talk to me and it was smooth sailing! I go back on September 30th for another ultrasound to verify the date & size. So we had a great first appointment, we stocked up on all kinds of information & prenatal was like trick or treating the bag was FULL! When taking our HIKE back to the car I was looking at the pic, and I said you know Joseph I think it looks just like you...hahaah! :P
So after our appointment we ran all over Pearland getting all the many things we needed & finally got home around 6:30 or 7 (we started at 11:00)! Once i got home and we were relaxing my mom said post it on fb already I'm ready to tell my friends I'm going to be a Meme! So now the world knows and is preparing for Baby Penney to enter the world! Everyone has been asking what are you hoping for, but really I don't care I just want a baby. I always thought I would want a boy first but really just a healthy baby will be just fine with me...of course Joseph wants a little boy but would be thrilled with a little girl!
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