The past few weeks i just haven't felt good. I've been having hot flashes, getting nauseous all of a sudden, constantly tired going to bed at 8 is awesome, and parts of my body just ache. So Joseph's sisters invited us out to dinner Sunday night & before we went i figured i better take a pregnancy test just see if i was...since we would probably drink some wine. So i went to the store & got it knowing it would be negative like the other 50 thousand i had taken in the past year....much to my surprise i finally got a positive! I was in such shock I definitely didn't think it was going to come this easy b/c next month i was supposed to be put on fertility meds. due to my PCOS causing issues. So i yell for Joseph to hurry up and come here b/c i was in disbelief....I said I just took this b/c of the way i have been feeling (he knew i hadn't been feeling A+). He was excited but wasn't sure....I have been taking Provera and it makes my cycle come....well i had just taken it 7 days before so he & I both weren't sure if maybe this could produce a +. Thank the LORD FOR GOOGLE!! I googled it and it can actually be is basically progesterone (a hormone your body uses a lot while pregnant). So we went to dinner shared the news w/ just his sisters! I took another test the following morning and again we got another +... as soon as I rolled out of bed to go and walked out Joseph said WHAT DID IT SAY!
We are so I went to wal mart to buy some Onesies for our moms that said "What happens and Grandmas stays at Grandmas" thinking this would be a cute idea even though Joseph wasn't thinking so.
So that afternoon we went to tell our parents and they were ecstatic, altough neither of them caught onto why i got them a onesie...i had to explain it ok I'm PREGNANT! Thinking we would hold out on telling most people until after the doctors appointment on the 16th we said to keep it quiet...even though they didn't listen but that was ok b/c i couldn't keep it any longer either! So a few people already know and if you're reading this YOU KNOW!! :) I would say I will be 7 weeks on Friday the 10th according to the calculator on It's still not real to me...I just can't believe it! I wouldn't have thought that within the first 2 months I would end up pregnant! So now of course my day consists of BABY stuff....nursery bedding, reading up on info, names, what the baby is like at the moment! Keep checking back I will try and keep this updated!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
We are so excited for you both! You will love that angel the second you lay on him/her.
what a cute way to share the news! when i found out i was pregnant with ella, we had been trying for a year and a half and we finally started the infertility treatments. after the first month, i found out i was pregnant really early one morning. i kept it a secret ALL DAY. that evening, josh and i went to dinner and i wrapped the book "what to expect when you're expecting" and gave it to him at dinner. he didn't get it. i had to explain that i was pregnant :) lol! congratulations! it sucks when it takes so stinking long to get pregnant. it's taken me over a year both times. i should have bought stock in EPT!
Brandi- Thank you!!!
Paige- Thank you, i had no idea you had to do infertility treatments! I have a friend who is about to start them and is pretty nervous about having multiples...haha thats the part i was so excited about...dont get me wrong i wasnt hoping to be the next Kate or anythign! haha
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