So I love to read other peoples blogs, i just find it interesting & its a good way to keep up with people you may not see often! One of the blogs I read the writer is pregnant as well & is 3 weeks further along than I am so its neat to see what i can expect in the up coming weeks! One of my favorite blogs is White and Fluffy, its a food blog as well as whats going on in my life blog & she writes weekly so that's awesome. There is only problem....all of a sudden the thought of certain foods just make my stomach churn! So i have to skip over some parts unless it just sounds good and in that case i will probably be cooking it for dinner! Cooking dinner here lately has been a chore b/c my usual menu has a few items that just make me gag at the thought of them. So far I've been lucky enough that I'm not experiencing a lot of nausea but definitely food aversions & they are just as bad! I refuse to through out some of my left overs b/c just the thought of smelling them again kills me! I must say I'm pretty blessed i will take this any day over hugging the toilet!
My nightly routine used to be go to bed around 11, I am now lucky if I make it to 9! The other night it was about 8:30 and i asked Joseph if he was ready for bed....he just looked at me and laughed....I don't think he gets it! Luckily his mom & sister came over the next day and kinda put it into perceptive for him. I can go to bed at 7:30 wake up at 8:00 and still be SOOOOOOOO tired! They say in about 5 weeks I should overcome this and be a ball of fire! Well i can't wait and neither can my house...we have had so much going on mixed w/ my fatigue I'm very behind on laundry. :(
So far everything is going good, I have a doctor apointment on September 30th and i get another ultrasound!! :) Can't wait!!!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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