This week was Apples and Bananas (we tried peas but they were a definite NO) and you liked them both! :) You are now eating fruit for breakfast & vegetables for dinner. We've moved you to your highchair and you love it, you eat your baby food when we eat! I love it! Your sleeping hasn't been that great, but you're kind of congested so I'm guessing that's the deal. We are finally on track with our baby sitters, Ashley Mon- Thurs and Cailey Friday! Ms. Ashley has done really well with getting your nap schedule fixed up, so hopefully we will have full night sleeps again. When Ashley comes you get to play with your new friend Karylnn, she's soo cute!
I leave for my first few nights away this weekend, I'm so scared! I know we will have fun but I'm going to miss you soooo much!