This week was the Homecoming Parade, you and I rode with daddy, you were such a trooper! You talked out the window the entire time. (I also had to change your diaper in my lap while we were going through town, what an experience) It was such a good time! Aunt Sherri made you your first Homecoming Mum!! So cute! We have also moved onto Carrots this week, you don't give me much grief over them but I don't think they are your favorite!
You have now mastered the toys on your exersaucer, Daddy called me in the living room the other day to inform me that you are a genius & you were moving all of the toys!
And the most dreadful part of the week....SHOTS! You weigh 15lbs 6oz, 25 3/4" are one tall little girl! I wonder if you will be tall like Daddy, we shall see! You didn't do too good with the shots you were fussy all weekend but you've overcome it. I dread this appointment every time it rolls around. The doctor said you are a healthy little girl :)
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
Our babies are getting way to big way to fast...
I know its so hard to believe, it all goes by wayyy to fast!
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