A lot has happened with you this week! You've started eating 6 oz every 4 hours, you're growing so fast. You've also tried Green Beans & Squash, green beans you tolerate but you absolutely love squash. I would have imagined that it was going to be the worst but you love the stuff!
Ryan has tasted it all...he said green beans are disgusting and powdery & squash is good tastes like pumpkin pie.
You have started teething, my oh my it's no fun at all! I feel sorry for my sweet little angel. Everything goes in your mouth, your hands, our hands,toys,and even Stephy's ARM!
You like to sit up on your own, especially in the bath tub you play with your ducky and splash! I think bath time is the best part of your day, if you're ever fussy bath time will cure you!
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