Well yesterday was your First and Last day of daycare. I started packing your bag the night before & I bawled the entire time, I just wasn't ready for my baby to be with someone she didn't know. So I was strong I didn't cry on the way there but when I got there I had to wait 20 min on the lady to finish up in a meeting...that didn't help I started to cry. They made me bring you to your classroom & I could hardly talk, you were fine. Finally I left...that was the most awful feeling I'd ever had in my life. I cried majority of the morning. I called to check on you a few times and they said you were fine. I was supposed to get off at 5 but I got off at 4 instead because I just couldn't take it anymore. When I got there you were in an OLD TIMEY SWING fussing...so I picked you up and of course you had a wet diaper. I know this kind of thing happens but I just didn't like that the ladies were busy b/c all of the babies were fussing...you didn't seem to get much one on one! I'm not ready for that, I didn't like that you didn't get to watch Olivia...play with your toys...or just get treated like a little princess! So I got home and brainstormed & finally it clicked that Cailey might want to watch you! After talking to your Daddy, MeMe, Stephy and Cailey we've decided that Cailey will be your new babysitter! I will change my day off from Friday to Monday & either Macey or Meme will watch you on Wednesdays when Cailey has school! I'm a much happier mommy today! You came to work with me, the joy I get from knowing you will be well taken care of & get spoiled rotten puts a smile on my face that no one can take away! One day daycare might be the answer but for now...not happening!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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