Well I went for my appointment yesterday and again absolutely no change! Apparently Dr. Tran and I are using different due dates b/c after I left I realized she told me that I'm not full term yet and will be next week....For my May 11th due date I would have been full term Wednesday and for the May 8th due date I would have been full term Sunday. I go back Friday so I'm going to have to ask her what day are you using as my due date?
Anyways, I've gained 3 more lbs and that puts me at a total gain of 20lbs...not too bad considering she said recommend weight gain was 20-25 lbs so lets just hope I don't blow up now. Paisley's HB was 145, thats pretty normal. Dr. Tran projects she will be an 8lb to 8.5lb baby and right now thinks she is about 6.5lbs. She did say I don't think you will have a scrawny little baby you will definitely have a big baby. We kinda touched on induction and from what I gathered shes not really a fan to do that until 40-41 weeks or if she notices that the baby is getting too big. We also talked about epidurals, the part I'm the most nervous about, she will give it to me as soon as she realizes I'm in active labor ... so to my sister in law that was a relief lol!
Wednesday night I just knew I was about to have her, I got a huge spurt of energy, Monday & Tuesday I had been contracting about 10 min apart, Joseph told me that it really looked like I had dropped so I made sure everything was packed & washed...ok so it has been for about 2 weeks now...but I added to it! Needless to say I didn't have her! My Mom is going to California next week so that is totally out of the question but the moment she gets back I hope this little girl graces us w/ her presence!!! :)
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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