So I went to the doctor yesterday & I got some scary news! Paisley is expected to be BIG...Dr. Tran ordered that I get an ultra sound to see just how big she is! If she was between 7.5 and 8 lbs I will be induced next so soon! I had noticed last week Dr. Tran was off a week and so I asked her about I was right! So 39 weeks is when she can induce me...that would be Wednesday but Dr. Tran has to be on call since it would be an elected induction (Hospital Policy). So I went for the ultrasound and Paisley was estimated to be 9 LBS!!! So Dr. Tran called and told me that we would induce Friday...and there was and 80% chance that I would be able to vaginally deliver considering she was so big. It is very important to me to deliver this way, so we will see!! :) So now it's just a waiting game! My mom will be back from Cali on Monday so lets hope Paisley isn't ready to come sooner!!!!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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