Week 38 (4-25-2011)
Approximately 2 Weeks To Go
How far along? 37 Weeks & 5 Days
Total weight gain: 20 Lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep & I'm starting to run out!
Sleep: My arms are falling asleep at night & it's awful!
Movement: Definitely Less
Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney
Labor Signs: I have more and more contractions...I have a few a day that are somewhat painful!
Cravings: Nothing to exciting this week.
What I miss: My feet not looking like Shrek! I have started swelling...I can't even wear my rings anymore :(
Weekly Wisdom: When you think you have everything ready....you don't you remember something else! Our hospital bags are almost full to the top so I sure hope that I have everything ready now! :)
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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