Week 37 (4-18-2011) Approximately 3 Weeks To Go How far along? 36 Weeks & 5 Days (thats for the May 11th Due Date....37 Weeks & 1 Day for the May 8th Due Date which was what my last ultrasound showed) Total weight gain: 17 Lbs & I go Thursday to see how much more ... yuck! Maternity clothes? Yep Sleep: Is not an issue..I feel plenty rested! Movement: I would now call it squirming around... Gender: Girl! Paisley Renee Penney Labor Signs: Nope Belly Button in or out? She needs to come on before it pops! Cravings: This week it's not really been anything...however I had a new dish at La Casona and it has sounded really good... What I miss: Nothing really, I can't wait to meet my little Angel! Weekly Wisdom: You never really have everything...the list keeps growing lol! I sure hope by the time shes here we have completed the list!
Hedgehog birthday cake instructions
7 months ago
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