Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, December 10, 2012

19 Months

The biggest thing that has changed with you is your vocabulary. You are talking so much....this morning there was a lizard in my makeup bag, Daddy tried to catch him and I shouted "OH MY GOSH" there was an echo "OH MA GAH" from you it was hilarious! You save Hi Y'all, By Y'all, See Ya Later, Love you, Thats's cute,Sit, Mom Come Sit, Meme, PawPaw (Grandpa's new name), It's Okayyy, Get Up, HoHoHo, Merrrryyyy, and ofcourse COOKIE.

You know Blue & Green but we are still working on Yellow, Red, and Purple.

You know that your name starts with P-A....and you love the letter A, everything is an A.

3 is your favorite number....you say three, three, THREE lol!

You don't love baths as much as you did...however once we get you in getting you out isn't an easy task.

You are such a picky eater, you love hot dogs, mac & cheese, chocolate milk, COOKIES for sure, ham (we were very surprised by this).

Ally is still your favorite toy, you got a mini Cinderella and by mini I mean she is about 3" tall...you love her but I'm afraid she will be missing soon lol.

You are infatuated by Santa however you DO NOT want to get close to him.

Yaya (your new name for Grandma) has tought you how to sign...you know milk, candy, and eat....you sign candy a lot it's really cute. You even say Yaya & at the same time you are signing candy lol!

You have 4 teeth....and more coming. You are obsessed with brushing your teeth!

You wear 18-24 month clothes, size 5 shoes....6 sometimes. *one foot is bigger than the other*

You sometimes tell me when you tee tee but you refuse to wear pull ups they are the the worst thing in the world to you.

Paci....oh paci I just don't know if I'm ready for this lol....

Fits....you have mastered them & for the most part they don't get you anywhere unless we are in front of people & I tend to give in but only b/c I don't want to ruin their time listening to my screaming angel.

You love to color & paint, we have made some Christmas gifts for some of your special people!! :)